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Hayride & Campfire Potluck – 9/23, 5 – 8 pm

Stratton's Wynnorr Farm 1631 E Street Rd , Glen Mills, PA, United States

Hayride & Campfire Sunday, September 23 - 5 PM to 8 PM Join Us at the Stratton’s Wynnorr Farm   Bring a campfire dish to share -- Dogs, Burgers, Veggie Burgers, Drinks Provided Stratton’s Wynnorr Farm is located near the junction of Rt 352 and Rt 926 1631 East Street Rd, Glen Mills, Pa You can register here: […]

October Quarterly Meeting at London Grove Friends Meeting

London Grove Friends Meeting 500 W. Street Road , Kennett Square, United States

London Grove Friends will be hosting Quarterly Meeting on October 21, 2018, with a special 200 year anniversary program. Schedule: Registration 8:30 - 9:15  am Children’s Program 9:15 - 11:30 am* Worship 9:30 - 10:30 am Program: 10:45 - 11:45 am Luncheon: Noon - 1 pm Meeting for Business* following Lunch We invite Meetings to share responses to the […]

PYM Continuing Sessions – Nov. 3

Arch Street Meetinghouse 320 Arch Street, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Continuing Sessions How do we, as Friends, center ourselves toward trust and love? Saturday, November 3, 2018 is Philadelphia Yearly Meeting’s fall 2018 Continuing Sessions. Held at the historic Arch Street Meeting House, 320 Arch St, Philadelphia, PA. This is our community’s time to gather in worship, do Quaker business, share skills, and build strategic relationships […]

Parent’s Morning Off – Sat. Dec. 1st

Westtown School Lower School, West School Lane, West Chester, PA, United States

Parents - Western & Concord Quarters are joining together to give you some time off! Bring your child(ren) to the Cabin on Westtown's campus (#9 on this map) - and they will spend the morning moving, playing, creating - maybe even learning! - with other young Friends from our area Monthly Meetings. Enjoy a morning of Friendly Fun! […]

Friendly Carol Sing and Wreaths for Peace @ Hockessin Meeting, 10/9

Hockessin Meeting 1501 Old Wilmington Road, Hockessin, DE, United States

Sing holiday songs together in the meetingroom and then make a wreath that you can take home to show your support for peace in the world. We provide fresh-cut greenery and everything you might need. Free and open to all! Hockessin Friends Meeting 1501 Old Wilmington Road Hockessin, DE 19707 HockessinQuakerMeeting.org friends@hockessinquakermeeting.org (302) 239-2223

January Quarterly Meeting at Centre Friends — 1/20

Centre Monthly Meeting Centre Meeting Road and Adams Dam Road, Greenville, United States

Join Centre Friends on January 20th for Quarterly Meeting business, worship, lunch and program. We will hear from FCNL representatives* about how they amplify Friends' concerns on Capitol Hill, and the issues they are focusing on this year. Please note: Business and program times have been switched from the usual to give our presenters time […]

April Quarterly Meeting – joint program with Concord Quarter & Wilmington Friends School

Wilmington Friends School 101 School Rd, Wilmington, DE, United States

April Quarterly Meeting Western AND Concord Quarters at Wilmington Friends School (101 School Road, Wilmington, DE) Children’s Program (during Meeting for Worship and Afternoon Program for elementary and middle school age Friends) child care available 9-11:45 am and 1-3 pm 8:45-9 am Sign-In 9-10:15 am Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business - for each […]

Concert: The Nearly Valentines Centre Friends MM, 8/17

Centre Monthly Meeting Centre Meeting Road and Adams Dam Road, Greenville, United States

The Nearly Valentines When: Saturday August 17, 2019; 6pm Where: Centre Friends Meeting, Centre Meeting Road, 19807 OPEN AND FREE TO THE PUBLIC Join Jeanmarie and Chris Braddock for a fun and engaging summer evening. The Nearly Valentines will present a lively program of music for violin and voice, accompanied by classical and 12-string guitars, […]