A Proposed Minute on Human Trafficking

generic levitra professional dosage Western Quarterly Meeting invites all monthly meetings to season a minute on Human Trafficking. We ask monthly meetings to report on their discernment. Please send any what does viagra do reports back to Western Quarterly Meeting so they may be shared with our entire community. The minute, along with your reports, will be reviewed again at Western Quarter’s February 2013 worship with attention to business. Bob Frye of London Grove Monthly Meeting has provided an explanation of Human Trafficking. This explanation is included to ground our discernment.
Virtually every nation on earth has laws abolishing slavery, but today an estimated 27 million people are in bondage. They are victims of illegal Human Trafficking, which the United Nations defines as a crime against humanity. Slavery is no longer racespecific. Every race, ethnic group, nation, and city has its share of slaves. They are invisible to us because the holding of human cheapest viagra beings as slaves is illegal, and thus kept in the recesses of society. But the trafficking in human beings is now the fastest growing criminal enterprise in the world, surpassing the illegal arms trade in 2010. Over 80% of enslaved people are female, over http://viagra-canadapharmacy.com/ 50% are children. They may have sewn the garments we are http://pharmacyonline-viagra.com/cheap-active-discount-pack-cost-online.php wearing, or grown the beans for the coffee we are drinking. They produce much of the cocoa for the candy bars that we pack with our lunch. Slaves can be found in the massage parlors and street corners in our cities. And they are even held captive as domestic servants in the most affluent neighborhoods of the major cities of this nation. It is a global and local crisis – from the brick kilns natural viagra of Pakistan to the natural viagra tobacco fields of North Carolina. They are trapped, subjected to violence and fear of imprisonment, and exploited.
Robert Frye
Peace & Justice Committee
London Grove Monthly Meeting

The Proposed Minute on Human Slavery

The Western Quarter of the Religious Society of Friends shares in the pain and suffering of those trapped as victims of Human Slavery in this country and throughout the world. Slavery is an affront to our Quaker testimonies and to human dignity. We decry this abomination that has been allowed to spread across the world. We share a moral outrage at human trafficking that leads to slavery and to human bondage through violence and the threat of violence.
We encourage the members of how does viagra work our Quarter and Friends levitra dosage everywhere to be mindful that our faith is reflected in our everyday lives, and to consider how they might alter their consumer and lifestyle decisions to avoid purchasing products that have come from sources that promote slavery.
Above all, we hold in the light the millions natural viagra of human souls who today are suffering under the yolk of enslavement and those survivors who have been rescued side effects of viagra but will work for a lifetime to recover. We support the work of individual Friends and the work of the End Modern Slavery (EMS) Working Group of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting in their leading to witness to the reality of this evil.
November 13, 2012

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