The Movement of the Spirit, How Space Matters, and the Imperative of Religious Education

I have felt the Spirit moving powerfully at Centre Monthly Meeting in Delaware. I can look back and see how far we’ve come. First of all we made major renovations to our schoolhouse in the early 2000’s. This made a great space to teach our children, who were numbered initially at two and who grew to ten. As someone once wrote, “If you build it, they will come.” The renovations inspired us to host a potluck every month. We also host our annual day-long retreat in our new space at least every other year. The renovations most importantly brought our community closer together.

Being a Quaker parent, I find that the religious education of our children is very important, but it is also exhausting. Often parents are left with the task of developing the curriculum, gathering the materials, and teaching the classes, which means they don’t attend Meeting for Worship very much. It seems unfair that they always teach first day school, but everyone goes through this phase. We have also slowly begun to balance the support of the First Day School program more evenly between parents and nonparents. It requires a lot of work, and in the end it strengthens the Spirit for the entire Meeting.

Megan Barth on Centre Monthly Meeting

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