The PYM Pastoral Care Threadletter

A Threadletter of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting
June 2013
Dear Zac,

This issue of the Pastoral Care Threadletter presents ideas and resources for addressing issues of race and diversity. Because Pastoral Care Committees are where Friends support the lives of members, especially in times of difficulty, examining our actions and choices is essential. What Love Requires: Community and the Challenge of Diversity

I will be presenting my FGC talk next Friday, June 7, at noon in the Rufus Jones Room at Friends Center.
The talk will be a close-to-final draft of the FGC plenary presentation I will make on July 1, 2013, at the Gathering in Greeley, CO.
If you have the time and the inclination, please come and give a listen.

FGC plenary presentation
Friday, Noon, June 7, 2013, Rufus Jones Room, Friends Center

Comments will be most appreciated and discussion welcomed.

Peace be with you,
George Schaefer
Care and Aging Coordinator

Message from the Field
Recognizing White Privilege

Pastoral care committees can lead the way in making
the kinds of institutional change that will support real diversity. We can do this and retain what makes our meeting work as a community, one that is inclusive of
all of us in a realistic and honest way.
Joan Broadfield describes her experience addressing issues of race and pastoral care in this interview

Reflection from Experience
Bayard Rustin, A Faithful Life

In this story about his friend Bayard Rustin, Dan Seeger draws together two of the key spiritual threads in Bayard’s life: his African-American heritage and his Quakerism. Both hold special meaning not only for African-Americans and Friends, but represent a spiritual treasure of significance for all people.

Help Your Meeting Challenge Racism

Challenging racism is a ministry of Friends General Conference. FGC connects Friends and meetings doing work and witnessing about racism and racial diversity and offers assistance and support for meetings developing their racial and ethnic awareness, increasing their diversity, and striving to address the impact of the institution of racism. Find out more on FGC’s website.

Pastoral Care Newsletter Archive
Pastoral Care & Issues of Race

Explore comments and contributions of many Friends considering how to be faithful to God and one another on matters of race within the Religious Society of Friends.
Volume 09, Issue 2, 2002 January, Care of the Meeting Community

Pastoral Care Calendar

Brown Bar Online Webinar: Caring for Persons with Memory Loss
Thursday, June 13, 12:15 to 1:00 p.m.PYM Annual Sessions 2013
This year we will explore the theme,
” Gathering Together Our Past, Our Presence &
Our Future.”

Wed. July 24 to Sun. July 28, 2013 at Muhlenberg College

Thirty Paths to Healing Mind, Body, and Spirit
July 14-18, 2013 at Pendle Hill

The Sacred Art of Spiritual Discernment
July 21-25, 2013 at Pendle Hill

Introduction to Quaker Faith and Practice: A Sustainable Life

Writing Your Spiritual Autobiography

Fall 2013 Resident Program
September 22 to December 6, 2013 at Pendle Hill

Bulletin Board

Share news, events and resources. To suggest a posting send details to
A workshop at the annual Philadelphia Trans-Health Conference on creating a safe space for trans and
gender non-conforming individuals
FREE! June 14, 8:45 to 10:05, Philadelphia Convention Center

Fit For Freedom, Not For Friendship
Quakers, African Americans And The Myth Of Racial Justice

by Donna Mcdaniel and Vanessa Julye

While there were Friends committed to ending enslavement and post-enslavement injustices, this book reveals that racism has been as insidious, complex, and pervasive among Friends as it has been generally among people of European descent.

Thank you Friend!
PYM Pastoral Care is published bi-monthly to help strengthen our faith community through communication, connections and relationships.

Please forward this newsletter to friends and families in your meeting so that information about the Yearly Meeting programs can reach them directly. Just click the Forward to a Friend button in the column to the right of this message.

Brown-Bag Lunch Time Webinar
Caring for Persons with Memory Loss

PYM Online Webinar: Caring for Persons with Memory Loss

Thursday, June 13

12:15 to 1:00 p.m.

Learn how to find solutions to daily tasks and useful simple tips on how to meet the ongoing challenges of caring for a loved one with an impaired memory.

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