Agenda Item Considerations for Annual Sessions 2013

Dear Friends,

The Agenda Committee is under the weight of our Sessions agenda. FromJuly 24 through 28th we will gather again to share as a community our blessings, ministries, business and fellowship.

This year, like the last two, our Worship with Attention to Business will have an open agenda; a list of our business that will be addressed as the Spirit so leads us- allowing us to be faithful to the needs of the body, responsive to how we are being led, and respectful of the time and effort needed to bring forth well-seasoned business. In order to aid this discernment and our preparations, the deadline for agenda items to be considered for Annual Sessions is July 3, 2013. This will allow enough time for the Agenda Committee to make any additional inquires and discern the agenda, for staff to prepare, and for Friends to consider it before Sessions. Please do not wait until the deadline to make your request known to the committee. The committee will try to be respectful of others’ time constrains in responding. We appreciate your care in the discernment process. Agenda items MUST be in WORD format; no PDF’s, please.

To aid the Agenda Committee and the Recording Clerks, we ask the following questions be answered and submitted along with the request:
a. Presenting Body (Quarterly Meeting/Standing Committee /non-PYM body)
b. Item for Consideration
c. Name(s), title(s), monthly meeting(s), and method of contacting Friends presenting (phone and/or email)
b. List of All Action(s) Being Requested (Approval, Received, other)
e. Anticipated Timeframe Being Requested (not including discussion or questions)
f. Attachment of All Supporting Documents or Minutes

The Agenda Committee has a Google Group. Please make all agenda requests to this email address: . All the members of the Agenda Committee are members of this Google Group. Emails sent this email account will be sent to all agenda committee members, at the same time, and allow for us to have a uniform place where agenda-related material will be housed.

Jada S Jackson, Clerk


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