A Letter from Our Clerk, Pamela Leland

Each moment we begin again.

Greeting Friends:

I’ve been reflecting on the above statement in recent weeks. Attributed to St. Benedict, this brief phrase has given me many opportunities to remember that we – both as individuals and as a community – are in a constant state of renewal and re-creation. We can let go of the past as we envision the possibilities. It has been a meditation grounded in hope and optimism.

We are fortunate as a Quarter. We have 11 diverse monthly meetings, representing different communities in southern Chester County and northern Delaware. We have had the long-time engagement and service of a number of Friends who continue to support our community of Meetings in very tangible ways. We benefit today from the faithful stewardship of our financial resources from former treasurers and Finance Committee members. We are blessed in so many ways.

And yet, we are also struggling. While many of our Monthly Meetings are full of life, we also have Meetings that struggle with small numbers and declining participation. At the Quarter, we continue to have difficulty identifying individuals who have the time and interest in serving in leadership positions; we are currently without a Quarter Co-Clerk, Recording Clerk and Assistant Recording Clerk. Many of our committees are being held together by the efforts of a single person and, in a few situations, one person seems to be supporting the work of multiple committees. Attendance at Quarterly Meeting is often small and our efforts to increase participation of children and youth have seen little success. More than one person has wondered a-loud: What role can – or should – the Quarter play today?

This is not a new question for us here in Western Quarter; these concerns led to a Called Meeting more than three years ago. By all accounts, it was a session of much energy and enthusiasm. Many ideas were offered and Friends left feeling hopeful for a renewed Quarter. Unfortunately we have not seen the benefit from renewed participation from many who were in attendance or follow-through on the various

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ideas that were offered. I wonder …

  • How might we, as a Quarter, support one another and strengthen the life and work of Friends within our Monthly Meetings?
  • What do Friends want and need from Western Quarterly Meeting?
  • How can we organize ourselves as a Quarterly Meeting so that we might strengthen our community of Friends while meeting our responsibilities to and for the tangible assets that have been entrusted to us?

In an attempt to answer these questions – with the hope that answering them will led to an increased level of commitment to and engagement with one another as a Quarter – several discussions will be facilitated in the coming months.

The first opportunity will be at Quarterly Meeting on Sunday, July 21 from 1:00 – 3:00 pm. Please plan to attend Quarterly Meeting at Marlborough Meeting and stay for the discussion after lunch. We then intend to continue the discussion at Quarterly Meeting in October. I welcome any comments that you may want to share.

Pamela Leland, Quarter Co-Clerk


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