Help for Children’s Religious Life

Dear Friends,

I need your help.

As many of you know, the children of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, at their Annual Sessions, discerned a Priority for their 2013-2015 program. It was an impressive and powerful show of the spirit, as this group so often displays.

Children’s Priority, 2013-2015
“The Children of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting are called to make the world a better place by finding fun ways to care for specific environments so that creatures living there can be healthy.”

As this group’s servant leader, it’s my task to develop a great program for them to follow through on that priority. And I would love to hear your ideas, connections, and suggestions for a place to go/activity to do.

• Something that can be done with 6 visits per year, 3ish hours per visit.
• Something appropriate for 1st-5th graders.
• Something within reasonable travel distance from Arch Street Meetinghouse.
• Something that involves animals, plants, people, water, and earth.
• Something that repeats and grows- we form a relationship with the space and people.

Parks, nature centers, gardens, fields, programs, people to talk to?

Please feel free to forward this email to anyone you think might have a suggestions.

Thanks so much, and please reach out to me if you have any thoughts or questions!

Benjamin Camp
Children’s Religious Life Program Coordinator & Youth Program Team Leader
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting
1515 Cherry Street
Philadelphia, PA 19102

Office: (215) 241-7228
Fax: (215) 241-7045

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