Join AFSC’s Liaison Program!

This is posted by Lucy Duncan, who is Friends’ Liaison at American Friends Service Committee (AFSC):
If your meeting/church is interested in working across the country with other Quakers on issues like immigration reform, mass incarceration, supporting the end of the conflict in Israel/Palestine, or shifting federal budget priorities, please consider joining one of the two orientation calls for the AFSC meeting/church liaison program coming up this Sunday and Tuesday. If you’d like to join us, please fill out this Doodle poll. We had 10 Friends on the first call with much energy and excitement and are looking forward to connecting other peace and socially justice focused Quakers with one another. Here’s the Doodle link: learn what the program is about, read the recent Acting in Faith eNewsletter: calls will be …
Sunday, September 6th from 6:00 to 7:00 pm eastern time
Tuesday, September 10th from 7:30 to 8:30 pm eastern time
The call in numbers are as follows:
Dial 1-866-740-1260, then input the access code 2419995

The agenda for the call is as follows:

• Worship
• Introductions: Name, Quaker meeting/church, state of your meeting/church re: social justice/peace work
• The origins and goals of the AFSC meeting/church liaison program
• Components of the program
• Support for the program
• Two possible maps/models for how to implement the program in your congregation
• Questions/comments
• Go round: What will be your next steps? Final thoughts…
• Worship

Join us!

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