Historic Quakers Series in West Grove

Historic Quakers Series in West Grove

West Grove Friends Quaker meeting is embarking on a series of weekly presentations and discussions about great and lesser known Quakers throughout history. Local historians and the general public are invited to attend these free events every Sunday at 9 a.m., and historians, descendants, and others are invited to submit topics for future biographical presentations.

All who attend are welcome to stay for Silent Worship

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at 10 a.m., followed by fellowship and refreshments. The October presentations for the Historic Quakers Series are:

October 6: Learn about Mary Schaffer, originally from Philadelphia, in the early 1900s she explored, surveyed, and later moved to, the Canadian Rocky Mountains. Her photographs and artwork are still published today. Presented by Susan Dubowy;

October 13: An exploration of Dolly Madison who rose to be one of the nation’s most important First Ladies after being shunned by her Quaker Friends, presented by Tina Skinner;

October 20: Learn about Bayard Rustin of West Chester, the main organizer of the 1963 march on Washington for “jobs and justiceā€ and the primary reason MLK chose to follow a path of non-violence during the civil rights movement, presented by Michael Keith;

October 27: Enjoy a presentation about Ann Preston, of West Grove, who started the first women’s hospital in Philadelphia during the Victorian era, presented by author Richard Beards.

Historic West Grove Friends Meeting House is located at 155 E Harmony Road in West Grove. For more information, call 610-869-2143 or email tina.skinner@rocketmail.com.

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