Hands Across America Against Gun Violence!

This Saturday, Sept. 28 @ 10:30am, Friends from the West Philadelphia Friends Meeting as well as other Quakers in the community will be holding hands with our neighbors in Hands Across America, a rally against gun violence and advocating for education and public service. The human chain will stretch from Woodland Ave to Parkside Ave along 52nd Street. Will you please help get the word out about this event?

The organizers need more local organizations to stand and witness to the evils of gun violence that plague our communities. Will you please help get the word out about this event?

Forward this, Facebook it, call in your favors…whatever!
Here is the Facebook Event I created; Please pass it on:

Thanks in advance for your service,
Hoot Williams

PS: This is the letter that I sent to our State Rep. Vanessa Lowery Brown in support of this event.

Dear Ms. Brown,

Re: Hands Across Philly Rally, Saturday, 9/28

I will be supporting this important event along with members of the West Philadelphia Friends Meeting and others in the wider Quaker community. I was robbed at gunpoint in my neighborhood on 9/22, and thanks to the coordinated efforts of the U. Penn and Philadelphia Police Departments and the Safety Ambassadors on bicycle, the perpetrators were caught and my property returned.The gps tracking in my iPhone was also a key to solving the crime. But there are so many unfortunates, countless others whose lives are robbed while wounded families and loved ones grieve at the bloodshed and pain that results from the war being waged on our very own streets.

At the police station that night waiting to make a statement, I held my hand out to a young man whose brother just died from a gunshot wound to the head. This young man just previously held his brother as he lay dying in his arms. I share his grief, and this experience has changed me. I can no longer stand aside in my protective bubble of white privilege while my family in God gets slaughtered around the corner. The Enemy is at work and must be brought down.

The man whose life was taken on 9/22 was Jamal (Monte?) Parker. It was his 30th birthday. I’d like to send my condolences to his family, and even attend the service if there is one, but the crime has not even been reported, nor can I find an obituary. This happened in the 18th precinct. If you can find any information on this young man’s family or funeral, I would be grateful. God bless him and keep him and his loved ones.

I hope we can meet one day, and I thank you for your service to my community. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help in this cause.

My sincere thanks again,

Hoot Williams,
The Friends of Jesus Fellowship
4520 Locust St.
Philadelphia, PA 19139


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