PYM Worship and Ministry Thread Letter!

A Threadletter of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting
DEC. 2013
Dear Zac,

The intersection between our worship and our community is a vital inflection point in our meetings. The stories below share the experience and wisdom among us on this important relationship. Read on to learn from the experience in our Yearly Meeting. 

 Where is the life and activity in your Quaker community?


Click to submit stories, updates and notices to be shared with our community in the future Threadletters so that we may learn from and be inspired by one another.

In the Spirit,

Christie Duncan-Tessmer
Associate Secretary for Program & Religious Life

A Message from the Field   

 Worship & Community: Divergence and Convergence   


A tension between the focus on worship and the focus on community arose for Kennett Meeting while planning their first residential retreat. Exploring this tension revealed dynamics underlying other activities in the meeting.  These dynamics and tensions are common in Quaker meetings which hold a diversity of religious viewpoints. Read more about Kennett’s experience.

Featured Resource  
Community and Worship: A Pendle Hill Pamphlet

by Douglas V. Steere


Douglas Steere considers two important components of Quaker meetings: how to build a sense of community and the work that goes on in Meeting for Worship.  He writes “the strength of a Quaker Community is evidenced most in the strength of its Meeting for Worship” and “when the members of a fellowship know one another, then when they meet together for worship they are truly open as a corporate group for the deepest working of the Spirit.”  In his pamphlet, Steere provides spiritual grounding and practical advice. The pamphlet is available to read in full online.

Worship & Ministry Bulletin Board
Intersection of Worship & Community at Wilmington Meeting A 2012 Threadletter story highlighted this intersection.  Read about Wilmington’s experience. 

Milkweed podDirectory of Spiritual Nurturers
PYM’s Spiritual Formation Working Group has developed a directory of Friends who offer their gifts of listening to others as they seek spiritual self-discovery and growth.


A Library of Resources on Worshiping with Children
The Friends Council on Education website offers a treasure trove of free downloads, articles, stories and videos on worship. The offerings are relevant for teachers, families and meetings and for worshipers of every age.


To suggest something from your Quaker community to be included in the next issue of the PYM Worship & Ministry Threadletter, please submit it online.

Worship & Ministry Calendar  
Worship & Ministry Thread Gathering
January 25, Kennett Meeting, PA

An opportunity for grounding and skills development for Friends who are called to care for the worship, ministry, and adult religious education in our meetings.


A Silent Retreat in the manner of Friends
January 17-20, Powell House, Old Chatham, NY
A retreat offered by the School of the Spirit Ministry invites Friends to come and simply be with God and attend to the divine stirrings of the soul.
February 7-9, Pendle Hil
Develop or improve your clerking skills with two Friends with years of experience as teachers and mentors to others with gifts for clerking.

Spirit-Mind-Body Practices for Wholeness
January 10-12, Pendle Hill
Discover self-care practices that can sustain you in your work and support you on your spiritual path.

The Refuge of Awakening
February 16-23, Pendle Hill
A retreat offering silence, periods of sitting and walking practice, exploration of your own practice and formal presentations.

Thank you Friend! 
PYM Worship & Ministry Threadletter is published bi-monthly to help strengthen our faith community through communication, connections and relationships.Please forward this newsletter to friends and families in your meeting so that information about the Yearly Meeting programs can reach them directly. Just click the Forward to a Friend button in the column to the right of this message.
Worship & Ministry
Thread Gathering

Worship Thread Gathering
Saturday, Jan. 25, 2014
Kennett Meeting, PA

Register now for this year’s Thread Gathering held on January 25th at Kennett Meeting.  Join us for learning and spiritual fellowship among Friends who are active in this ministry.

Read about last year’s gathering for a taste of what to expect.

The Threadletter Family

PYM Worship & Ministry Threadletter
is a member of a family
of e-newsletters.
There are additional threadletters for Friends who care for the following concerns:
Pastoral Care
Youth Programs
First Day School
Worship & Ministry
To read or subscribe to any of these threadletters, go to the thread newsletter webpage
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PYM Worship & Ministry Threadletter 
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