Check Out PYM’s Long Range Planning Progress!

January 13, 2014

Dear Interim Meeting Member,

This is a follow-up message to the presentation of the Long-Range Planning Group on Saturday afternoon: “A Conversation on the Proposed PYM Structure & Process: Long Range Planning Group and Interim Meeting, January 11, 2014.”

Some who attended Saturday wanted to spend more time with the slides presented. The slides are attached in pdf format. If you study the slides without having been there for explanations, you will very likely have questions, and LRPG would like to hear from you.

LRPG would like to receive your comments and questions using Survey Monkey, which you can access here. Please respond to the survey this week and no later than January 18.

Click here for the slides. The slides will also be available soon on the LRPG webpage on the PYM website.


Suzanne Day

Clerk of Long-Range Planning Group

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