Communications & Outreach Thread Gathering

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This email is to subscribers of the PYM Communications & Outreach Threadletter 

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Communications & Outreach Thread Gathering

February 15, 9:30-3:30

Abington Meeting, PA



Dear Friend,

The 2014 Thread Gathering for Friends who are excited about communicating and connecting within our meetings is next weekend!

Now is the time to: 

  • Register: Let us know you are coming.
  • Tell others: forward this email to everyone who may be interested, announce it at your Meeting and talk with committee members about this event.
  • Find out about the details on the Thread Gathering webpage.
Communications & Outreach Thread Gathering 

This Thread Gathering is an opportunity to learn skills and share and resources with one another so we can all be inspired and more effective in our communications with each other and seekers.

  • Saturday, February 15, 9:30-3:30 (gather and register beginning at 9:00)
  • Abington Meeting, 520 Meetinghouse Road, Jenkintown, PA 19046
  • Childcare provided with pre-registration by 2/12
  • A very simple lunch is offered; participants round out the meal with potluck dishes
Workshops include:

Welcoming Newcomers to Our Community
Wendy Kane, Newtown Meeting
Once seekers have walked in the door, how do you help them find a place in the community? This workshop shares tools and perspectives to help meetings be welcoming to newcomers until they don’t feel new anymore.
Share the Quaker Experience Joyfully: Communication Tools You Can Use Today
Elaine Craudereuff, Ministries and QuakerQuest Coordinator, FGC
This workshop will share examples and stories of communications that work-and the reasons why they do-including points picked up from QuakerQuest. The workshop will also touch on the purposes of QuakerQuest and how you can bring that to your meeting.
Communicating within the Yearly Meeting Community
Martin Reber, Director of Communications, PYM
This workshop provides an overview of our many channels available for communicating with Friends in the yearly meeting and the public at large. We will also provide guidance on the best ways to get your message to the people you want to reach.

For more information:   

I hope we will see Friends from all corners of the Yearly Meeting and from every monthly meeting at this event so that we may learn from and support each other as we strengthen the ties between us.

In Faith,

Christie Duncan-Tessmer

Associate Secretary for Program & Religious Life

Office: (215) 241-7008


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