Notes from the Call Quarter Membership Development Series – July 2020 Without a mission statement – websites and meetings become insular Goals of website as an outreach tool 1) empower […]
8th Query for Tenth month Meeting for worship with attention to Business
Grounding for Transformed Lives: Integrity and Simplicity For the meeting: What is the interplay between simplicity and integrity in the life of our meeting? How does our meeting embody simplicity […]
Annual Sessions Workshop Schedule!!
It’s here – the workshop schedule for the first virtual Annual Sessions of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends.
National Day of Mourning for Covid-19
May 10, 2020 from Northside Friends Meeting, Chicago, Illinois Northside Friends Meeting is a Quaker Meeting located in the Uptown Neighborhood of Chicago, Illinois. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and Illinois quarantine […]
Query #5 for Seventh Month QM
Nurturing Our Community: Religious Education in the Home and Meeting How does our meeting prepare its members, attenders and children for worship, for the conduct of its business and for […]
Growing Our Meetings – Brief Summary from Caln Quarter Virtual Gathering
Outreach is work we need to do inside and outside the Meeting House. Some seekers find us on their own, perhaps from passing our Meeting House or finding our website. One […]
Virtual Offerings from PYM
Check out the new section of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting’s calendar dedicated to virtual offerings:
William Jackson Education Grants
Have a child at a Friends School for 2020-2021? Consider a grant from Western Quarter. Click Apply for Grants under “Resources.” Or download the form here
Query #2 for April 2020
Deepening Our Faith: Meeting for Business Is our meeting for business held in worship in which we seek divine guidance? How do we sustain prayerful consideration of all aspects of […]
Eleventh Query for Quarterly Meeting, First Month 2020
Witnessing in the World: Education For the Meeting What does our meeting do to support and improve public education? What help do we provide for the children and adults in […]