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April Quarterly Meeting at Mill Creek Friends Meeting

April 15, 2018 @ 9:00 am - 3:00 pm

|Recurring Event (See all)

An event every day that begins at 9:00 am, repeating indefinitely

Hosted by Mill Creek Friends, we will meet at Mill Creek Meeting House on Sunday, April 15, 2018.

Friends from around the Quarter gather at Mill Creek Friends Meeting to be learn about the physical, mental and spiritual benefits of practicing Tai Chi Chuan. This will be a participatory program, fit for all ages and abilities. Come in comfortable clothes and be prepared to learn something new!
An excellent children’s program is planned for the morning, where all ages will enjoy the outdoors, building fairy houses, playing, and singing together. Youth who are eager to learn about Tai Chi are also welcome to join the adults.

Day’s Schedule:
9:00 am Coffee, tea, and registration
9:30 Program on TAI CHI
10:30 Meeting for Worship
11:30 Pot luck luncheon (see below)
12:30 Western Quarterly Meeting for Worship for Business*
*with responses to the Third Query

For the luncheon Mill Creek Friends will provide cups, napkins, plates, bowls, and silverware, along with tea and coffee. Friends who are able are invited to bring an item to share with others, from one of these suggested categories: Sides, Salads, Desserts, or Beverages.

Mill Creek Friends Meeting is located at 1140 Doe Run Road, Newark, DE 19711
Friends coming from PA will take Newark/Little Baltimore Rd, and turn south onto Doe Run Rd. The Meeting House will be on your left, just after passing Yeatmans Mill Rd. on the right.

2018 April QM flyer


April 15, 2018
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Event Categories:
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Mill Creek Monthly Meeting
1140 Doe Run Road
Newark, 19711
+ Google Map