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October 2016 Quarterly Meeting

October 15, 2016 @ 9:00 am - 2:30 pm

Western Quarterly Meeting in October is hosted by Kendal Monthly Meeting Friends.
Robin Mohr, of Friends World Committee for Consultation will present the morning program: We Think We Are Separate.

Saturday, October 15, 2016
9:00 am In the Main Center at Kendal (1100 E. Baltimore Pike)

We Think We’re Separate — When we think about all the things we don’t want to be associated with, whether that is disease or child abuse or war, we think that we are separate. We are afraid of being connected. We construct walls in our minds and our hearts to convince ourselves that it’s not us, it’s not our problem, that we are separate, up until the day we can no longer pretend, until we find out it is us. “They” are us. Humans try to pretend it’s not us, that we’re separate. But God, Jesus, Quakers—all teach us that we are not separate.

Lunch* and fellowship will follow.

*Registration required for lunch — call 610-444-1012, or Email: coordinator@westernquarterquakers.org

Adult Program:
9:00 am   Registration with coffee & tea
9:15 am    Centering Worship & Introduction
9:30 am   Program: “We Think We are Separate”
11:00 am  7th Query Responses & Worship
12 Noon    Lunch (Registration Required)
1:00 pm    Meeting for Business
Children’s Program:
9:15 am   All gather for centering Worship
9:30 am     Children program activities begin
10:45 am   Children & FDS teachers go swimming in Kendal’s indoor pool (lifeguard present)
12 Noon     Children join adults for lunch

Here is a short bio of Robin Mohr:
Robin Mohr has served as Executive Secretary of the Friends World Committee for Consultation Section of the Americas since 2011. In 2015, the Section adopted a new strategic plan, “Weaving the Tapestry 2015-2020.” fwccamericas.org/about_us.

Over the last 25 years, Robin has worked in administration, fundraising, and planning for a half-dozen non-profit organizations, in D.C, New York, and San Francisco. She and her husband Christopher are now members of Green Street Monthly Meeting in Philadelphia YM and have two sons, now in high school and college. She writes for Quaker magazines, books and her own blog, What Canst Thou Say? robinmsf.blogspot.com.

To read more about Friend Robin, click here: robin-mohr-quaker-bio


October 15, 2016
9:00 am - 2:30 pm
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Kendal Monthly Meeting
225 Kendal Drive
Kennett Square, PA 19348 United States
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610 388-7001
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