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PYM Young Friends

February 14, 2020 @ 1:00 pm - February 16, 2020 @ 4:00 pm

This program is an experiment, speaking to the interest in service and witness expressed by Young Friends last spring at Continuing Sessions. YSOP is an amazing organization! Learn more about them at www.ysop.org.

– The cost is the same as other Young Friends weekends, thanks to support for the Youth Programs in the PYM budget. Scholarship is available, as always! Do not let cost keep you from participating. ALL costs are included in the registration — travel, meals, and YSOP program fee.

– Youth interested in participating should be prepared to travel to Philadelphia on Friday so that we can make the trip to NYC before the opening program begins with YSOP. You will need to leave school early and meet in Philly to catch a 1:00pm bus at the Greyhound Station.Travel costs will be covered by the Young Friends Program. We understand this impacts a school day!  It’s a holiday weekend, and many people have Monday off from school and work, which is why we chose this weekend. We will return to Philadelphia by 4:00pm on Sunday.

“YSOP engages youth in meaningful service experiences through an innovative program that combines an orientation to the issues, hands on volunteer work and reflection. YSOP is a Quaker organization, grounded in Quaker values of respect for each individual, simplicity and service. Our programs are non-sectarian. We welcome people of every faith and belief system, including people who don’t ascribe to any faith.” 

  • Following the opening program and dinner, Youth, Young Friends staff, and Adult Friendly Presences will spend Friday night at 15th Street Meeting in lower Manhattan. The YSOP program continues on Saturday, and Saturday night we will gather at Brooklyn Meeting with the opportunity to meet Young Friends in NYYM. We will worship at Brooklyn Meeting on Sunday morning before traveling back to Philadelphia.

Registration will be limited to 15 youth. If you have questions get in touch with Melinda Winner Bradley, mwennerbradly@pym.org.

For more and to register, click here



February 14, 2020 @ 1:00 pm
February 16, 2020 @ 4:00 pm