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October Quarterly Meeting: Conversations about Racism

October 18, 2015

Sunday, October 18th at

Kennett Monthly Meeting 

9:00 am   Sign-in & coffee begins
9:30          Adult & Children’s programs begin
                     Adults will consider the current discussions around race & systematic racism, and our (individual & group) responses.
                     Children are invited to a wonderful program about Native Americans, led by Shelley DuPaul of the Lenape Tribe.
11:00       Meeting for Worship
12:00       Potluck lunch
1:00 pm  Meeting for Worship with Attention to WQM Business
Adult Program: Undoing Racism — Where are we, and where do we go from here?

Helping us navigate this sensitive topic will be Fallowfield MM member, tonya thames taylor, who will weave her presentation with images, dialogue, queries, worship sharing and discussion. Whether you feel you are well  educated about racism in America today, or just ready to engage in the conversation, please join other Friends in the Quarter as we take this journey together.

Children’s Program: Lenape Native American Culture*  Lecture & Presentation with Shelley DePaul

This program is also in preparation for the November 7th Continuing Sessions event, where we continue the discussion at the Yearly Meeting level.

Arranged for our young Friends (though all ages are welcome), this program  will include primary history regarding the Lenape, who remained in Pennsylvania and how they remain active today as caretakers of their homeland and the Delaware River. Activities for crafts, songs, as well as a display of educational      materials developed to teach Lenape language and culture.

* This program is supported by the Hadley Fund, and is open to the public.



October 18, 2015
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Western Quarter


Kennett Friends Meeting
125 W. Sickle Street
Kennett Square , PA 19348 United States
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