Friends Meeting at Cambridge Seeks New Staff Position!

Dear Presiding Clerk and other Seasoned Friends,

Friends Meeting at Cambridge (MA) invites you to encourage one or more gifted Friends whom you may know (or a couple to share the position) to apply for the position of Resident Friend, an important spiritual and administrative position at the heart of our Meeting. Click here for the job description.

In brief, this is a 3-6 year position, with the responsibility for caring about and supporting our large urban Meeting (400 members, 150+ at worship). With input from appropriate committees and individuals the Resident Friend will supervise 5 FTE staff members and will exercise significant oversight and coordination of communication, pastoral care, spiritual education, outreach, and other programmatic activities. We particularly wish to improve our ability to attract and integrate young people and families, and welcome a greater diversity of class and race. The job description is attached. Our application deadline is April 15, 2014.

We would be happy to learn directly of any potential candidates you may know (we will try to call them); or you might simply pass the attached job description along to promising candidates. Also, please forward this communication to other seasoned Friends whom you think may be able to help us find just the right fit for this special Quaker job opening.

Thank you for your help. Please call/email me personally if you have any questions.

Cliff Harrison

…Cliff left his contact information, but we are not publishing it on the web. If you’d like to get in touch, please send an email directly to, and we will put you in touch with Cliff…

For the Resident Friend Search Committee – Friends Meeting at Cambridge – 5 Longfellow Park, Cambridge MA 02138

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