George Lakey Talk at Haverford College!

Dear Friends,

George Lakey is a Research Fellow at the Lang Center at Swarthmore College, a life-long social change activist, and a Philadelphia Quaker.
He and I recently participated with two Bryn Mawr students (Ryan Leitner and Johanna CordonHill) and 4 other members of Earth Quaker Action Team ( in a day of nonviolent direct action in Pittsburgh with the goal of pressuring PNC Bank to stop financing mountaintop removal coal mining.
At the end of the day, the seven of us were arrested and spent about 20 – 22 hours being processed through the prison system. We were released on $1,200 bail each, plead guilty to a reduced charge of summary trespass, and released without fines or fees.
The four of us Tri-Co members will be speaking about our experience: “Why did we risk arrest? What did we learn from this experience?”
Orange is the New QuaC
Tuesday, November 26
4:30- to 6:00 P.M.
Multicultural Center (MCC) in Stokes 106
Panel Discussion

6:30- 8:00 P.M.
Quaker House (HCA #50)
Dinner and continued conversation
(RSVP requested)
Here is the link to the Haverford calendar event where people can RSVP:
And here is the link to the Facebook event:
I would love to have you join us for one or both of these events.
Please feel free to pass the information on to others who might be interested.
In faith and friendship,
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