

A sample of Publications are below and you can check out even more at QuakerBooks.org

Looking for a introductory book list about Quakerism? Click here.

Click here for a brochure and map of all the monthly meetings associated through our quarterly meeting.

“Quakerism: Its Search for Truth” by Sally Rickerman

Click here to view this Pamphlet by a longstanding member of Western Quarterly Meeting and Mill Creek Meeting. It begins with the words: “As Quakers, we spend our lives actively searching for truth. We do not think that anyone or any group knows the whole truth. We do not expect to know it ourselves!” So Rickerman’s pithy exposition begins and moves with this simple exhortation to accept, even as we may hold to a few basic principles, that we must constantly strive toward greater, more perfect versions of the basic values that have guided Quakers for more than 350 years.

A Quaker Path – A Spiritual Journey from Visitor to Attender to Member

A brochure for meeting outreach. A Quaker Path is available from either the Quakerbooks.com or the Western Quarterly Meeting Office. 75 cents each, 50 cents each for multiples of 10 (plus shipping costs), 32 cents each for multiples of 100 (plus shipping costs).

Holy Silence

A lyrical description of the sacred silence of a gathered meeting. Holy Silence is available from the Western Quarterly Meeting Office. 75 cents each, 50 cents each for multiples of 10 (plus shipping costs), 32 cents each for multiples of 100 (plus shipping costs). Contact us.

Peace is a Group Effort bumperstickerBumper Sticker

The bumper sticker is based on the prize-winning poster designed by Judy Cunningham. The message has also been seen in bumpersticker form throughout the United States, Europe, South Africa, India, Australia, New Zealand, and elsewhere. Bumper stickers are available for $2.00 each, $1.50 each for orders of 10 or more. Contact us.

Peace is a Group Effort postcardPostcards

This appliqued panel was created by the Young Friends (Quakers) of Mill Creek Meeting DE. It was one of 25,000 brought together in August 1985 to form a 15 mile long Peace Ribbon which encircled the Pentagon, the Mall and the Capital Building. This panel was based on the prize-winning poster designed by Judy Cunningham. Earlier the artist shared her message by hand delivering posters to each of the 535 members of Congress. Postcards are available for 50 cents each. Contact us.

Quaker Roots coverQuaker Roots:

The Story of Western Quarterly Meeting of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends,

Norma Jacob, editor. (Kennett Square, Pennsylvania: Western Quarterly Meeting, 1980). Contributors include:
Lloyd Balderston, Frances and John Beer, Dorothy Brosius, Eleanor Cooper, Carolyn Eastburn, Ethel Graves, Thomas M. Jones, Mary A. Maule, M. Elizabeth McCord, Dorothea C. Morse, Constance Nichols, Bertha C. Pratt, Stanford B. Smith, Mary Sproat, Mary Thomas, J. Smedley Thomas, Ruth S. Thompson, Frank and Helen Walton, and Margaret A. Warner.

Quaker Roots is available in hard cover for $10.00 and in soft cover for $5.00 plus shipping and handling. Contact us.

Quakerism A Religion Meaningful For Today’s World

A brochure for meeting outreach. Quakerism – A Meaningful Religion is available from either the FGC Quakerbooks.com or the Western Quarterly Meeting Office. $2.00 for fewer than 10, Each $1.60 for multiples of 10, each $.75 for 100 or more. (plus shipping costs).