PYM Youth Programs Thread Letter

A Threadletter of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting
November 2013
Dear Friend,
This Threadletter shares news of the Youth Program which offers events and community for children, middle schoolers, high schoolers and young adults. Find out about these programs below, bring a friend and join us!
the Youth Program staff of PYM
Elizabeth, Hannah, Matt and Ben

Young Adult Friends
Growing toward a YAF Mentorship Program

In January 2013, Young Adult Friends prioritized working on a YAF mentorship program. Find out about the Listening Session we hosted on intergenerational mentorship at PYM Annual Sessions, and about the volunteer group that is working to develop a program from Liz Martin, Co-Clerk of the YAF Working Group.


Young Adult Friends Winter Retreat, “What does
it mean to be a Quaker Adult?” January 3-5, 2014, Swarthmore Friends Meeting in Swarthmore, PA

Young Friends (High School)
Young Friends and the Rewards of Committee

The Young Friends community is embarking on an experiment in youth leadership and participation, engaging in the work of the community through committees. Read about the many exciting changes!


Young Friends Christmas Gathering, December 27-30, Abington Friends Meeting. Come join Young Friends for our extended 4-day-long gathering and dig into this fun and loving community!

Middle School Friends (6-8th grade)
To give free time, or not to give free time, that is
the question

Last year, Middle School Friends didn’t include any unstructured free time. Middle School Friends Coordinator Matt Sanderson discusses why things might be slightly different this year. Learn more about the pros and cons of free time.

Middle School Friends Peace Gathering, December 6-8,
Concord Friends Meeting
We’ll take some time to talk about Peace. What does peace mean? What do we mean when we say something is peaceful? How many pieces of pizza can we eat? Yes, we there will be pizza, and a talent show!

Children (k-5th grade)
This Year’s Junior Interim Meeting Plan:
Historic Fair Hill

At the Children’s Summit last summer the kids discerned God’s big idea for them. To act on that idea, we head to Historic Fair Hill for Junior Interim Meeting for Junior Interim Meeting! Read about the plan, and the history of this beautiful Quaker site.

Junior Interim Meeting, January 11, 2014,
Arch St Meetinghouse. Join an amazing group of kids doing their work and having a great time!

Winter Family Overnight, January 18-19, Camp Onas
Family overnight is a one night sleepover for the families with kids K-5th grade. An intentional village for the purpose of being a family of Friends. We cook, eat, play, sleep and worship together!

Bullentin Board

Share news, events and resources. To suggest a posting send details to

Quaker Youth Pigrimage to Boliva & Peru
July 22-August 21, 2014
Friends World Committee for Consultation is organizing the 2014 Quaker Youth Pilgrimage, and is looking for teens (age 16-18) and leaders to travel in the Andes (the first Quaker Youth Pigrimage to be held in South America!) At the 2013 PYM Sessions, we received a visit from Bolivian YAFs who especially encouraged Young Adult Friends to apply to be leaders!

The application deadline for leaders is November 15th, 2013; for teen pilgrims the deadline is December 1, 2013. More about the pilgrimage can be found on the FWCC QYP website.

Thank you Friend!
PYM Youth Programs Threadletter is published monthly to help strengthen our faith community through communication, connections and relationships.

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