Sojourn to the Dominican Replublic


Blaise Glowiak, associate member of Centre Monthly Meeting and rising 10th grader at Wilmington Friends School, recently traveled to the town of Cabarete in the Dominican Republic. For eight days, he and other students from Wilmington Friends volunteered with the “D.R.E.A.M. Project” which helps to empower and inspire at-risk youth ages eight to fourteen. His trip was partly funded by Western Quarterly Meeting’s John Woolman Traveling Ministers Fund.

Blaise will be sharing about his adventure at Centre Meeting this coming First Day, June 30 at the rise of worship, 12:15pm. He will also give a presentation to Friends at Quarterly Meeting, Sunday, July 21, 9:15am.

Click here to learn about the grants available to Friends through Western Quarterly Meeting and Philadelphia Yearly Meeting.

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