The PYM Finance Threadletter!

A Threadletter of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting
December 2013
Sent to monthly meeting finance contacts and subscribers.
Dear Friend,

Monthly meetings large and small rely on financial support from members and attenders in order to meet their budgets and carry on the work of the meeting. Different meetings ask for financial support in different ways – some send letters and emails, some make announcements at meeting for business, some have stewardship committees, some depend on the treasurer to take care of it all. In this Threadletter, two meetings of different sizes and situations report on their experiences. Please share this with the members of your finance committee and send in your meeting’s experience or questions!With gratitude,
Jennie Sheeks
Director of Development

Message from the Field
Fundraising Initiatives at two Monthly Meetings

The Experience of a Larger Meeting
Our fundraising goal at Central Philadelphia Monthly Meeting last year was $87,000. As a large meeting with multiple obligations, it is essential that we raise these funds. However with 3 months to go, we still had a lot of work to do with $33,000 to raise. Nonetheless by the end of our fiscal year, we had raised $95,000, exceeding our goal by $8,000! This was one of the most successful years of fundraising we have had in a long time. How did we do it?
The Experience of a Smaller Meeting
Pennsdale Meeting has been blessed by new members and attenders who have brought new ideas, new skills, and new energy. The timing couldn’t be better: our treasurer of many years requested to retire and our two-century-old meetinghouse has been in need of major attention. We have formed a finance committee – instead of an individual treasurer – to share the corporate responsibility.

Online, Credit Card, and Recurring Gifts to Monthly Meetings

Our Yearly Meeting’s Online Giving Service is an easy way for Friends to give to their monthly meeting or quarterly meeting. Through the PYM donations web page, Friends can give by credit card or through an electronic debit from a checking account. Gifts can be set up to recur automatically every other week, monthly, quarterly, twice yearly, or yearly. There is no fee to the meeting for this service. Any meeting that would like to be included on the PYM donations webpage should contact Jennie Sheeks.

Events & News
Check it Out!

Share news, events and resources. To suggest a posting send details to programs@pym.orgFinance Thread Gathering, Saturday, April 19 Opportunity to develop effective ways to encourage giving to the monthly meeting, gain technical skills relevant to the management of meeting finances, and explore ways to deepen our conversation on stewardship.

Fundraising Resources for Meetings on the PYM Website Share best practices and explore fundraising resources including: Fundraising Ideas for Monthly Meetings, the Online Giving Service, the Ministry of Giving and guidance from Faith & Practice.


Resources for Meeting Treasurers on the PYM Website Share best practices and explore resources including: A Treasure’s Guide, Conducting a Friendly Audit, and QuickBooks for Meeting Treasurers.

Thank you Friend!
The Finance Threadletter is published twice a year to help strengthen our faith community through communication, connections and relationships.Please forward it to friends and families in your meeting so that information about the Yearly Meeting programs can reach them directly. Just click the Forward to a Friend button in the column at the bottom right of
this message.


Online Giving Service

There is an easy way for Friends to give to their monthly or quarterly

Philadelphia Yearly Meeting’s donations webpage has a section for contributions to monthly and quarterly meetings.
This is a secure way to give online and is also an easy way to set up an automated recurring gift to a monthly or quarterly meeting.
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