Upcoming Events Across Philadelphia Yearly Meeting

*These communications notes were pulled from the November 2013 PYM News & Events Updates email. To sign up to receive these emails go to http://www.pym.org/news/

November Events

Growth Dilemma Project Open Discussion & Support Group
Tuesday, November 5, 6:30 pm, Friends Center
Join members of the Growth Dilemma Project (part of the PYM Ecojustice Working Group) as we to continue to learn about the intersection of economy and ecology, and consider how we can respond in our individual lives, our meetings, and the wider community. Each evening starts with 30 minutes of worship, followed by a brief presentation/discussion of new information, and progress updates from participants on the development of their individual or small group projects. For more information, contact Pamela Haines at pamelahaines1@gmail.com


Young Friends Fall Gathering, November 1-3, Lancaster Friends Meeting.Beginning Nov 1 at 7pm and ending 12 pm Sunday, Nov 3. Come join Young Friends for our fall gathering weekend of fun and community! Our workshops and worship sharing will explore themes of sustainability in our world and in our lives, and we’ll have plenty of games and down-time to enjoy each other’s company in other ways too. For more information contact Hannah Mayer, Young Friends Program Coordinator at hmayer@pym.org or call 215-241-7222.




Junior Interim Meeting, November 9, 9:30-1:30, Arch St Meetinghouse.
1st-5th grade (includes lunch), childcare available for Little Friends, 6th-8th grade Jr. Friendly Presences invited.
Junior Interim Meeting will be visiting Historic Fair Hill, a 300-year old Quaker burial ground. We will find a variety of ways to care for this environment; we will grow food in the gardens, keep it free of trash, tend the trees, ensure the birds and other animals are safe and fed. There will also be cookouts, games, and time for worship in the sacred spaces.

Note: Junior Interim Meeting occurs on the same dates as Interim Meeting

Free, $5 suggested donation to help with cost of lunch.
For more information: Benjamin Camp, Children@pym.org, 215-241-7228


Lunchtime Pastoral Care Webinar: End of Life Planning and the Testimonies
Thursday, November 14, 12:15 pm-1 pm.
Online, (participants only need a computer and internet access).
We often find it difficult to talk about certain decisions regarding the end of our lives. This webinar will explore that through a deeper understanding of our historic testimonies. Learn how to look at life decisions through the lens of simplicity, peace, integrity, community, equality, and stewardship. Webinar technical assistance provided on request. For more information, see www.pym.org/calendar/events/lunchtime-pastoral-care-webinar-end-of-life-planning-and-the-testimonies
or contact PastoralCare@pym.org or call 215-241-7268.




First Day School Thread Gathering, November 16, 9:30-3:30
An opportunity for grounding and skills development for Friends who are active in the ministry of nurturning the spiritual lives of children in our meetings. Thread Gatherings offer wisdom,experience sharing, workshops and community around a thread of concern that runs through our meetings.

For more information, see www.pym.org/calendar/events/509-2




“Hicksite Friends and Civil War,” Saturday, November 2, 2013, Arch Street Meeting House. Lecture at the Friends Historical Association annual meeting.


As the nation observes the 150th anniversary of the War Between the States, Friends Historical Association is presenting a free public lecture on the topic “Hicksite Friends and the Civil War.” Earlham College history professor Thomas Hamm will give the lecture as part of FHA’s annual meeting. Thomas intends to look at the varied ways that Hicksite Friends responded to the crisis of the Union 1860-1865: where they placed blame for the outbreak of war; how they balanced their staunch Unionism with the Peace Testimony; how they dealt with members who felt it right to enlist in the Union army or otherwise support the war effort; how Friends found a new cause in work among the freedpeople; how Friends supported, and criticized, President Lincoln; and how the experiences of Friends during the war helped shape the course of Hicksite Quakerism for the rest of the 19th century.


Reserved seating at the luncheon before the lecture is available through the FHA website at www.haverford.edu/library/fha. Look for the reservation form and more information online in October or call 610-896-1161.




Application Deadline: Pilgrimage to England, July 14-July 20, 2014
Friends will journey to England’s “1652 Country” with two guides from PYM and a guide from Britain Yearly Meeting to experience the roots of the Religious Society of Friends. The 7-day pilgrimage trip for up to 27 “pilgrims” includes travel to more than a dozen historic sites. Interested Friends must apply; see website for details.

Registration begins September 30, 2013

Info: Deborra Sines Pancoe; deborra@friendscouncil.org;




December Events


Growth Dilemma Project Open Discussion & Support Group

Tuesday, December 3, 6:30 pm, Friends Center
Join members of the Growth Dilemma Project (part of the PYM Ecojustice Working Group) as we to continue to learn about the intersection of economy and ecology, and consider how we can respond in our individual lives, our meetings, and the wider community. Each evening starts with 30 minutes of worship, followed by a brief presentation/discussion of new information, and progress updates from participants on the development of their individual or small group projects.

Info: Pamela Haines, pamelahaines1@gmail.com




Middle School Friends Peace Gathering, December 6 – 8,
Concord Friends Meeting
, 6th – 8th graders

We’ll take some time to talk about Peace. What does peace mean? What dowe mean when we say something is peaceful? How many pieces of pizza can we eat? Yes, we there will be pizza, and a talent show
$60 (scholarship available)
Matt Sanderson, MiddleSchoolFriends@pym.org, 215-241-7171


Lunchtime Pastoral Care Webinar: Residential Options in Long Term Care

December 12, 12:15 – 1 p.m. Online, (participants only need a computer and internet access).

Learn about the issues to consider in choosing long term residential care in a

retirement community and how Friends meetings can support individuals and

families by providing opportunities for clearness in the process of

discernment. Long term care options and the basics of choosing a care

facility will be addressed.

For more information, see www.pym.org/calendar/events/lunchtime-pastoral-care-webinar-residential-options-in-long-term-care
or contact PastoralCare@pym.org or call 215-241-7268.



Junior Interim Meeting, December 14, 9:30-1:30 , Arch St Meetinghouse1st-5th grade (includes lunch), childcare available for Little Friends, 6th-8th grade Jr. Friendly Presences invited.

Quaker kids gather to pursue the PYM Children’s Priority as discerned by them at Summer Sessions. Fulfilling God’s Big Idea involves service, fun, and community.

Free; $5 suggested donation to help with cost of lunch
For more information: Benjamin Camp, Children@pym.org, 215-241-7228


Young Friends Christmas Gathering, Dec. 27-30, Abington Monthly Meeting 9th-12th graders

Join Young Friends for the Christmas gathering! We’ll enjoy someentertaining workshops related to our theme, and engage in the regular activities of our

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community – plenty of games, meal preparation, worship sharing, and free time with F/friends! It will be another great gathering with the added bonus of an extra day to really dig into the community!

$75, scholarship available.

For more information: Hannah Mayer, YoungFriends@pym.org, 215-241-7222

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