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WQM Support Committee Meeting

Kennett Friends Meeting 125 W. Sickle Street, Kennett Square , PA, United States

WQM Support Committee Meeting - March 19th, 3 pm Members of any MM in the Quarter are welcome to attend these "in between" business meetings in preparation for the next Quarterly Meeting. We meet in the library at the Kennett Friends Meeting House.

Conversations on Race

Kennett Friends Meeting 125 W. Sickle Street, Kennett Square , PA, United States

In October we will hear from members of Delaware's Coalition to Dismantle the New Jim Crow, a grass-roots organization committed to social justice for all. Join us on Tuesday, Oct 25 at 7 pm at Kennett Friends Meeting. Conversations on Race are just that -- an opportunity to listen, share, and learn about what "racism" […]

Conversations on Race (series)

Kennett Friends Meeting 125 W. Sickle Street, Kennett Square , PA, United States

Topic: White Privilege Speaker: Rev. Greg Pelley, Pastor Unitarian Universalist Society of Millcreek, DE Date: Tuesday, March 22, 7:00 pm Western Quarter Friends have joined with MLK CommUnity Advocates and Inclusive Social Ministry for Solidarity (ISIMs) to help arrange a series of Conversations on Race. These conversations will feature a short presentation by a guest […]

Roller Skating Party – For ALL AGES

Kennett Friends Meeting 125 W. Sickle Street, Kennett Square , PA, United States

Concord & Western Quarters invite all to gather together for a Roller Skating Party! Sunday, February 28th   If you are coming from afar, make a day of it! Families & f/Friends from both Quarters are invited attend Worship at Kennett Friends Meeting at 11:00, and stay for a simple lunch afterwards. Then we'll all head […]

Hadley Fund performance: Sword of the Spirit, a play

Kennett Friends Meeting 125 W. Sickle Street, Kennett Square , PA, United States

SWORD OF THE SPIRIT  with Magpie Music This one-act play is based upon the life and letters of Mary and John Brown, abolitionists, portrayed by Terry Leonino and Greg Artzner. John Brown has spent the last forty days of his life in a jail cell. During this time he has received many visitors, given interviews […]


Hadley Fund performance: Sword of the Spirit, a concert

Kennett Friends Meeting 125 W. Sickle Street, Kennett Square , PA, United States

SWORD OF THE SPIRIT    with Magpie Music The music from this concert is based upon the life and letters of Mary and John Brown, abolitionists, portrayed by Terry Leonino and Greg Artzner. John Brown has spent the last forty days of his life in a jail cell. During this time he has received many […]


Candlelight Worship at Kennett Friends Meeting

Kennett Friends Meeting 125 W. Sickle Street, Kennett Square , PA, United States

Join Friends in a meditative, candlelit silent worship on Christmas Eve.

Hadley Fund Author Event- Long Hill Home

Kennett Friends Meeting 125 W. Sickle Street, Kennett Square , PA, United States

LONG HILL HOME   by Kathryn Pincus Book Discussion with the Local Author Excerpt from DelawareToday.com: “Long Hill Home starts with a woman being attacked as she is about to start her ascent of a long hill to her home and loving family, Pincus says, ‘but it really is just a symbol for what the characters […]


Amnesty International – Write for Rights, at Kennett MM 12/6

Kennett Friends Meeting 125 W. Sickle Street, Kennett Square , PA, United States

  Write A Letter and Change A Life during our Sixth Annual Write for Rights Event, the largest grassroots human rights event in the world, sponsored by Amnesty International USA. Your hand-written letters, combined with hundreds of thousands of others from around the world, can and WILL change the lives of this year’s 12 cases. This event […]