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10:00-10:45am Meeting for Worship, intergenerational with story and quiet activities 11:00am Meeting for Worship with attention to business 12:00 lunch - West Grove Friends will provide main dish - please bring side dishes 1:00pm Dr. Faith Mitchell - Learning from Photos and Postcards: Black Women's Experiences Working for Chester County Quaker Families FLYER
Local historian David Porter will speak about the Mason Dixon Line. West Grove Meetinghouse - 153 E. Harmony Road, West Grove PA 7:00pm
West Grove will host Quarterly Meeting! 8:30 am Sticking Points and Stumbling Blocks: A Primer on Navigating Conversations about Aging with Sarah Matas of Kendal-Crosslands Communities via Zoom 10:00 am Meeting for Worship - in person at West Grove 1:00pm Meeting for worship with attention to business via Zoom FLYER
In a desire to be cautious, the organizers of this event have decided to reschedule for later in the Spring. In January of 2016, the Sierra Club launched a nation-wide campaign called Ready for 100. The goal of the Ready for 100 campaign is to accelerate an equitable transition to 100% renewable energy by advocating […]
All are invited to come Saturday evening on the 21st at 7:00 to celebrate the longest night - the Winter Solstice. We are offering a winter solstice gathering for those who are grieving and those who struggle to find joy in the holiday season. This will be a time for quiet reflection in the midst […]
Monday, December the 16th West Grove Friends Meeting's annual Candlelight Worship and Carol Sing This year we will be gathering at our Meeting House on Harmony Road instead of at New West Grove. We will gather in silence at 7:00; be lead by inspiration for the carols; and share refreshments after. Every one is […]
1:00 - 3:00 Welcome three local authors for a book signing: Mel Leaman, Susan Scott, and Lassiter Williams (represented by Regent Street Press) All three are 'our own'! Refreshments will be served while you chat with the authors and buy their books! Honest with God: Reflections on Faith and Doubt by Mel Leaman "Honest […]
Dining for Women usually meets at West Grove Friends Meeting on the first Sunday of each month, from noon—2:00. This is an opportunity for women and men to make a difference in the lives of women and children around the world. Bring a lite dish to share. For more information on Dining for Women click here
Fundraiser for Haiti atWest Grove Friends At Quarterly Meeting in July this year, Alyce Denver shared her long-standing leading for supporting the rebuilding effort in Haiti. West Grove Friends will be having a craft bazaar & tag sale fundraiser on November 3 & 4 with the aim of securing a much-needed generator for Dr. […]