
WQM Seeks new Youth Coordinator!

Youth Activities Coordinator (Part-Time)

Western Quarterly Meeting, a community of 10 Monthly Meetings in southern Chester County, PA, and northern Delaware, seeks a Youth Activities Coordinator (part-time) to arrange and manage Quarter-wide youth programs.

Key responsibilities include:
(1) to plan and coordinate youth programs during Quarterly Meetings, and (2) to facilitate interaction and engagement between and among Friends in Meetings throughout the Quarter who share an interest in and concern for our youth (3) to provide support to individual Monthly Meetings in their efforts to strengthen their religious education efforts.

The Youth Activities Coordinator also recruits and supports volunteers who work with our youth. This includes working in coordination with the Western Quarter Coordinator in the implementation and oversight of all child safety policies and procedures.

This is an hourly position with an expectation of up to 20 hours per month. Compensation based on experience. Evening and weekend availability required. Drivers’ License and reliable transportation required. Background check required. The Youth Activities Coordinator is supervised by the WQM Coordinator.

If interested, please submit cover letter and resume to the Western Quarter Coordinator, coordinator@westernquarterquakers.org.

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