
                                          Want to see your event on this page? Submit content to Coordinator@WesternQuarterQuakers.org!

Joint Quarter Program – Braver Angels Skills Workshop

Sponsored by Concord & Western Quarters Conversation Training for a Polarized Society In December of 2016 ... With passions still high following the election we assembled 10 Trump supporters and 11 Clinton supporters in South Lebanon, Ohio. This would become our first Red/Blue Workshop. The goal was simple. We needed to see if Americans could […]

Joint Quarterly Meeting

Western and Concord Quarterly Meeting Joint Gathering via Zoom 8:30-10:00am CONCORD Quarterly Meeting for Business 10 - 10:15am Break 10:15 - 11am Joint Multigenerational Community Worship with Faith & Play Story 11 - 11:45am Lunch Break (eat offline or eat while sharing fellowship on screen) 11:45-1:15pm Middle East Program with the PYM Middle East Collaborative […]

Tubing on the Brandywine with Friends!

MaryEtta's 1005 Brandywine Creek Road,, Coatesville, PA, United States

Email Deb with questions - coordinator@westernquarterquakers.org Waiver Flyer

George Schaefer – PYM’s Care and Aging Coordinator

Join Friends for a session with Friend George Schaefer as he shares and answers questions on PYM resources to support Friends as they age. The event will be virtual. To register The event is sponsored jointly with Concord Quarter.

Parents Morning Off!

Cabin at Westtown School 960 Shady Grove Way

at The Cabin at Westtown School (GPS: 960 Shady Grove Way, West Chester, PA 19382) Snack & Lunch: We will serve a healthy mid-morning snack. Cheese pizza will be offered for lunch. Water will always be available. All are welcome to bring a bag lunch if preferred (especially if your child has food sensitivities). Who’s […]

Youth Programs at Joint Quarterly Meeting

WESTERN AND CONCORD QUARTER YOUTH PROGRAM DAY!  July 17, 2022  During Joint Quarterly Meeting at Westtown* Brought to us by Alix and Elizabeth - Our Fabulous Yearly Meeting Youth Staff! Youth Schedule: 8:30 AM -11:15 AM Introductions Get to know you games Actionary Quaker Trivia Worship sharing Crafting with query 10:30-11:15 AM Worship (youth for ~15mins) […]

Joint Quarterly Meeting

Westtown Meeting 215 Friends Meeting Lane, West Chester, PA

17 July, 2022 in-person at Westtown Meetinghouse or online (passcode qmm-mfw) 10:10 Hymn Sing 10:30-11:15 Meeting for Worship 11:45-1:00 Programs -- Brainfoods with Dr. Mary-Anne Ost OR Edibles Walk with Gwynne Ormsby 1:30 Western Quarter Meeting for worship with attention to Business FLYER

Western Quarterly Meeting

West Chester Meeting 425 North High Street, West Chester, PA, United States

(use Zoom link on downloaded flyer or in, not the image) Joint Quarter Gathering - at West Chester Friends Meeting 8:30 am - Coffee and Sign-in 9am Western Quarter's meeting for business 10:30 - meeting for worship 11:30 program 12:30 lunch FLYER WQ Zoom WCMM Zoom for worship, program