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Picnic/Canoeing Event at Westtown School

Westtown School Lower School, West School Lane, West Chester, PA, United States

An Intergenerational Picnic & Canoeing Event is being planned for the first Sunday afternoon in October. Check back for details as we get closer to the date!

Parent’s Morning Off – Sat. Dec. 9th

Westtown School Lower School, West School Lane, West Chester, PA, United States

Parents - Western & Concord Quarters are joining together to give you some time off! Bring your child(ren) to the Cabin on Westtown's campus (#9 on this map) - and they will spend the morning moving, playing, creating - maybe even learning! - with other young Friends from our area Monthly Meetings. Enjoy a morning of Friendly Fun! […]

Tubing on the Brandywine- June 24

MaryEtta's 1005 Brandywine Creek Road,, Coatesville, PA, United States

Members and attenders of monthly meetings in Concord and Western Quarters are invited to enjoy a potluck picnic and tubing down the West Branch of the Brandywine Creek. This is a super-fun event for Friends of all ages! Meet at MaryEtta's (location below)**, June 24th, 12:00 - 4:00  What will be there: * tubes, chairs, […]

Hayride & Campfire Potluck – 9/23, 5 – 8 pm

Stratton's Wynnorr Farm 1631 E Street Rd , Glen Mills, PA, United States

Hayride & Campfire Sunday, September 23 - 5 PM to 8 PM Join Us at the Stratton’s Wynnorr Farm   Bring a campfire dish to share -- Dogs, Burgers, Veggie Burgers, Drinks Provided Stratton’s Wynnorr Farm is located near the junction of Rt 352 and Rt 926 1631 East Street Rd, Glen Mills, Pa You can register here: […]

Parent’s Morning Off – Sat. Dec. 1st

Westtown School Lower School, West School Lane, West Chester, PA, United States

Parents - Western & Concord Quarters are joining together to give you some time off! Bring your child(ren) to the Cabin on Westtown's campus (#9 on this map) - and they will spend the morning moving, playing, creating - maybe even learning! - with other young Friends from our area Monthly Meetings. Enjoy a morning of Friendly Fun! […]

April Quarterly Meeting – joint program with Concord Quarter & Wilmington Friends School

Wilmington Friends School 101 School Rd, Wilmington, DE, United States

April Quarterly Meeting Western AND Concord Quarters at Wilmington Friends School (101 School Road, Wilmington, DE) Children’s Program (during Meeting for Worship and Afternoon Program for elementary and middle school age Friends) child care available 9-11:45 am and 1-3 pm 8:45-9 am Sign-In 9-10:15 am Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business - for each […]

Children’s Program at April Quarterly Meeting

Wilmington Friends School 101 School Rd, Wilmington, DE, United States

Concord and Western Quarters At Wilmington Friends School - Upper School Campus April 28, 2019 We Are All Connected Children’s Program Concurrent with Meeting for Worship Programming is geared towards elementary and middle school age youth Worship Sharing - Stories - Mandala Making - Songs Registration is helpful! Interested in volunteering with the program? E-mail youthwqm@gmail.com  9:00-10:15 am Meetings […]

Picnic and Tubing on the Brandywine

MaryEtta's 1005 Brandywine Creek Road,, Coatesville, PA, United States

Once again, our wonderful friend, Mary Etta, welcomes Concord and Western Quarters Picnic and Tubing! Cool off in the waters of the Brandywine connect with Friends play volleyball on the lawn bring voices and other instruments and make music!

April Quarterly Meeting

Kennett Friends Meeting 125 W. Sickle Street, Kennett Square , PA, United States

Come for worship, programs, business, and fellowship! 8:45-9:00 Sign in 9:00-10:15 Meeting for Business, each Quarter meeting separately AND CHILDREN'S PROGRAM! 10:30-11:30 Meeting for Worship 11:45-12:45 Lunch and fellowship 12:45 gathering for program AND CHILDREN'S ACTIVITIES 1:00-3:00 CHILDREN'S ACTIVITIES 1:00-3:00* program - Better Angels Skill Session with Jennifer Elam, a member of Goshen Friends Meeting in […]