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Colora Meeting for Worship

Colora Meetinghouse Colora Road, Colora, PA, United States

Directions to come.   This Meeting House dates from 1841 when Friends from the Hicksite West Nottingham Meeting began Colora. Colora was initially a part of Baltimore Yearly Meeting, formed Primitive Yearly Meeting in 1854, and joined Western Quarter of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting in 1890. The 1869 school house on the property was in use […]

Historic Colora Meetinghouse – CLOSED

Colora Meetinghouse Colora Road, Colora, PA, United States

Colora Meeting House is closed this year, due to storm damage. We are sorry for the inconvenience, and hope that you will join us for Worship next year. Canceled: Colora Meeting – 9/20                      2 PM Take US 1 Bypass into Maryland.  Turn left onto Route 276.  Turn right onto Liberty Grove Road.  At bottom […]