A Workshop on Slavery at Annual Sessions!

One of the upcoming workshops at PYM Annual sessions will address slavery, abolition and the Underground Railroad.

A Workshop for Middle School Age and Older:

Mapping Quaker Links to Slavery, Abolition and the Underground Railroad

Facilitators: Avis Wanda McClinton, Upper Dublin Meeting, Linda Lotz, Haddonfield Meeting, and Madeline Schaefer, Radnor Meeting

Research, publications, and events related to slavery, abolition and the Underground Railroad can help us better understand Quaker and American history, and create opportunities to reach out to others in our communities.

Workshop participants are invited briefly to share relevant information, display historical items, and circulate printed resources regarding their family, meeting or community regarding slavery and the quest for freedom. By the end of the session, participants will have created a map of our rich history.

Register: www.pym.org/annual-sessions-2014/


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