Clerking Workshop at Pendle Hill!

Clerking: Serving the Community with Joy and Confidence

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November 22-24, 2013 Friday through Sunday (2 nights)

$240-425 based on accommodations choice

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About the accommodations

Prices for overnight programs include room, board, and tuition.

Private room

These quiet, single rooms are perfect for those who want a real retreat, and are simply decorated with a twin bed and desk.

Shared room

For those who elect to share a room with a guest or another participant, these offer comfort at a modest price.


Commuter rates include lunch and dinner during the program.

Private rooms are allotted on a first-come, first-served basis, with consideration given to those with special needs.

This is an opportunity for both new and experienced clerks of Friends’ meetings and committees to meet and think together about the role of presiding clerk. It is expected that each person will leave the weekend with new energy and enthusiasm for being a clerk, feeling well grounded in both the theoretical and the practical. There will be handouts, exercises, and opportunities to share experiences, with most work being done in a whole group setting.

$340/shared room; $425/private room; $240/commuter

Materials fee included

“This workshop was highly recommended by Friends I respect. It exceeded my great expectations. Arthur is inspiring. Other classmates equally so. Neither in an intimidating way. [I am going away with] more ideas than I will ever be able to implement.”

“Arthur is awesome. He made it easy to share experiences and learn from each other as well as from him. [I am taking away] the ability to deal with sticky situations in business meeting and tools to educate the meeting on process.”

“Arthur has clearly thought and worked deeply with the material. His work is ministry.”

Appreciation for “feeling of support from other clerks. Sense that others have been through similar challenges (so I am not alone) and they have survived (so I will, too).”

“Serving the Community with Joy and Confidence wasn’t just the title; it was the content. I feel opened up to clerking. . . . Arthur us[ed] good clerking techniques while clerking this workshop – ‘Clerking in Action!”

I really appreciated “Arthur’s clarity around agenda items and transparency around clerking strategies while he was implementing them.”

Something that worked well for me was “the format of Arthur’s modeling clerk behavior within the group.”



Arthur Larrabee, a lifelong Friend and member of Central Philadelphia Monthly Meeting, has led many workshops on clerking. He has served as clerk of his meeting, the Committee in Charge of Westtown School, and Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, of which he is now general secretary.

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