Friends Counseling Service: High Quality Therapy With Reasonable Costs

the idea!

Figuring out how, when, whether and from whom to get therapy can be a daunting question. There are more options than ever. One can be virtually bowled over by the different degrees, orientations, and backgrounds of available therapists. The need and decision to engage psychiatry and consider pharmacology can be equally challenging. The cost of therapy itself can feel out of reach for many of us in today’s tough economic times. So, what to do if one determines it might be time for professional intervention with our struggles? For those of us who are members or attenders within Philadelphia Yearly Meeting where to begin can actually be quite easy.

The Friends Counseling Service is currently a stalwart crew of 13 highly trained, licensed and, most importantly, very experienced, therapists – each in private practice somewhere in our geographic PYM region. Better yet – these are not only well trained therapists but all are “Friends” grounded in Quaker spirit and culture. A simple phone call to The Service is entirely confidential and costs nothing. This is a tremendous resource for individuals, couples, families and youth in our Community. To call the Service one does not necessarily need be ready for therapy but may call with any associated questions.

Friends Counseling Service is well known in

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some Quaker Quarters but as new members and attenders come into our midst there are many who are yet unaware of this facile resource. For nearly 70 years The Service has been staffed with professional therapists committed to providing quality and confidential therapy at reasonable rates. As the Service is committed to turning away no one within our Community – significant subsidies have been raised to assist those who qualify. It is impressive that both funding groups as well as Meetings amongst us have continually contributed to this Service keeping it solvent even in tough economic times.

All therapists licensed by the Friends Counseling Service are affiliated with psychiatry and can help access resources for medical (psychiatric) assessment if indicated. Anyone with any questions about the Service or interest in investigating therapy for themselves or a loved one should call the Service Coordinator for a confidential inquiry:

Ken Brick, LCSW


Friends Counseling Service of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting

302-655-8101 (Wilmington DE Office)

or inquire @

*all inquiries are confidential

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