Growing Our Meetings – Brief Summary from Caln Quarter Virtual Gathering

Outreach is work we need to do inside and outside the Meeting House. Some seekers find us on their own, perhaps from passing our Meeting House or finding our website.  One of the most effective ways to get people into the Meeting House is to invite them personally.

Our first impressions, first conversations, and first messages need to be warm and authentic, and aligned with the message our Meeting has in its publications, both web and print based. 

Truths – Queries

Quakerism is not understood through osmosis. How are we nurturing our Faith for ourselves? Are we sharing our individual stories of growth and opportunities to learn or practice with newcomers?

Growth happens when there is something offered. What does your Monthly Meeting offer? How are we present in our communities? How are we inviting and receiving seekers and visitors?


The Unchurched Next Door, Thom Rainer

Building a Storybrand, Donald Miller

Quaker Excitement – Alex Miller Downingtown MM pamphlet

Seth Godin Tribes also a TED  

“Quaker Faith & Podcast, Mackenzie Morgan

Simple Church,Eric Geier

Works by Parker Palmer lifted up as sources making Quakerism accessible to the non-Quaker world

Website models: Central Philadelphia, Lancaster, and Swarthmore MMs

PYM Membership Development Granting Group –

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