
Homeville Meetinghouse


Meeting for Worship is held here during the summer months. The meeting at Homeville was originally known as Oxford Preparative Meeting. At first it was part of Fallowfield Monthly Meeting, but in 1842 joined with Pennsgrove Preparative Meeting to form Pennsgrove Monthly Meeting. Built in 1839, the brick meeting was used for worship weekly until 1915 when it was laid down. The meeting house and grounds are presently under the care of the Homeville Cemetery Co. Veterans from as far back as the Civil War rest at this peaceful country setting.

Location: 4904 Homeville Road, Cochranville, PA, 19330.

Website: http://westernquarterquakers.org/homeville-meetinghouse/

Homeville Meetinghouse

Homeville Cemetery

Have kin buried in the Homeville Cemetery?
Have Homeville Quaker Meeting memories, pictures, or stories to share?

Judy (Walter) Heald has been compiling the History of the Meeting and documenting all burials in the Cemetery. We would really like your help! If you have family buried in Homeville Cemetery, please send me a note telling me who they are and how you are related to them. We’d especially like to know who THEIR parents are and who else in the cemetery might be related. Additionally, we are especially interested if you know of folks who were buried there long ago whose tombstones can’t still be located. If, perchance, you have photos, wedding certificates, or other treasured memorabilia relating to the Homeville Friends Meeting, sharing a copy for possible inclusion would make the book a treasure for others as well.

For information about the Meeting House or Business of the Meeting, please contact: Charles Brosius at 233 Wilson Road, West Grove, 19390
For genealogical information, contact Judy at jwheald@gmail.com or send a note to:
Judy (Walter) Heald, 144 Crosslands Drive, Kennett Square, PA 19348