PYM News and Events Update December 2013

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PYM News and Events Update    December 2013
Welcome to the December 2013 edition of PYM News & Events Update.  Content in this issue is intended for December bulletins, announcements & postings.


You are receiving this email because our records include you as a newsletter editor or web manager for your Meeting.  Please consider using some or all of the information in this issue of PYM News & Events Update in your meeting’s newsletter, for your meeting’s website or to announce at the rise of an upcoming meeting for worship or during committee meetings and other gatherings.


PYM News and Events Update is made possible by contributions to the PYM Annual Fund.  Please encourage members and attenders of your meeting to consider making a gift to the PYM Annual Fund at or by calling 215-241-7115 to help us continue to serve you with news and information about our faith community.


Thank you for helping to connect us all as part of the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting faith community!
 General Secretary Search

We are seeking candidates. Now is the time to inquire, nominate or apply!

The PYM General Secretary Search Committee is actively seeking candidates for the position of General Secretary, to begin in the summer of 2014.


Applicants are invited to submit a resume and letter describing their interest in the position to: or  kirk@stiffney


We also invite suggestions and nominations of potential candidates.  Please submit your suggestions to the Search Committee at


All emails are confidential and are automatically directed to the Search Committee’s consultant, Kirk Stiffney of MHS Consulting.  The Search Committee will begin active consideration of applications in December, 2013.


For more information, download a copy of the General Secretary Job Description at

PYM News

PYM Library


The PYM Library is open every Tuesday & Thursday afternoon from 12:30 to 5:00 pm; and on first Thursdays from 12:00 – 8:00 pm.


Every member of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting may be a member of the library – all you need to do is register!  You may register by calling the library at 215-241-7220 or filling out an online form.  Once you are registered, you may start borrowing books!


The PYM Library Catalog is available on the web at and books may be delivered and returned by mail or by Interim Meeting courier from your meeting.

Check us out at!


Pilgrimage to England, July 14-July 20, 2014

Friends will  journey to England’s “1652 Country” with two guides from PYM and a guide from Britain Yearly Meeting to experience the roots of the Religious Society of Friends.  The 7-day pilgrimage trip for up to 27 “pilgrims” includes travel to more than a dozen historic sites.  Interested Friends must apply; see website for details.

Registration began September 30, 2013.  For more information, contact Deborra Sines Pancoe at or see the PYM Calendar at


PYM Annual Sessions 2014, July 23-27, Muhlenberg College, Allentown, PA

Worship is a door to love. Please save the date and plan to join other Friends as Philadelphia Yearly Meeting joins together in worship and love, guided by Spirit to conduct our business, listen with one another, and enjoy the fellowship of our time together in Annual Sessions. To learn more visit, or contact Tricia Coscia, Sessions and Volunteer Coordinator,, 215 241-7238.


PYM Youth Program Internship, Apply now for winter/spring 2014!
An opportunity for young adults.This program offers valuable experience to young adults by involving them in one of the youth programs of the yearly meeting. As an award for their service, interns receive $500 towards their participation in Quaker events or on experiences of professional development toward Quaker service.  For more information, or contact Tricia Coscia, PYM Sessions and Volunteer Coordinator,, 215 241-7238.
Call for PYM Volunteers!


Featured Volunteer Opportunity:

Arch Street Meeting House Interpreter.


Do you enjoy meeting people from all 50 states and from countries around the world?  Do you find joy and satisfaction talking about Quakerism to others?  Do you enjoy answering questions from curious and energetic school children?


Join the Arch Street Meeting House Interpreters!  Arch Street Interpreters provide friendly outreach and hospitality in the historic meeting house, interpretation of Quakerism, faith and practice, history, ideals, and faith in action, past and present. In frequent gatherings and enrichment programs, interpreters have the opportunity to interact with fellow volunteers who have in common a passion for sharing Quakerism with others. If you enjoy the sort of work described above, please consider volunteering a few hours a month. To learn more, visit  or contact the Tricia Coscia, PYM Volunteer Coordinator at or call 215-241-7238

Upcoming Events

November Events

YAF Convergence – Worship & Working Group Meeting, Sunday, November 17, Chestnut Hill Friends Meeting, 10:30 a.m.
Want to attend meeting for worship with other young adults?  Join the PYM Young Adult Friends Working Group for worship & lunch with Chestnut Hill Friends Meeting! It’s a great way to get involved in the YAF community, and see the new Chestnut Hill Friends meeting house. Interested YAFs are invited to stay for the YAF Working Group meeting at 12:30PM. For more information: or contact Elizabeth Piersol Schmidt, Young Adult Friends Communications Coordinator at or 215-241-7075


December Events

Deadline for Applications for the 2014 Quaker Youth Pilgrimage to Peru and Bolivia, Sunday, December 1, 2013. “Cradles of Andean Quakerism” is the theme for the 2014 pilgrimage. Friends in Bolivia and Peru will host this first-ever FWCC pilgrimage to yearly meetings in South America, for Quaker youth ages 16-18 from July 22 – August 21, 2014.  Applications are now online at the FWCC website at and there is tremendous response in Europe and the Middle East and the Americas.  Ruben Maydana Torres, a Bolivian QYP Program Group member, traveled extensively this summer on the Eastern US coast and spoke at PYM Annual Sessions last summer and helped to excite many about the upcoming pilgrimage.

Growth Dilemma Project Open Discussion & Support Group,
Tuesday, December 3, 6:30 pm, Friends Center, Philadelphia, PA. Join members of the Growth Dilemma Project (part of the PYM Ecojustice Working Group) as we to continue to learn about the intersection of economy and ecology, and consider how we can respond in our individual lives, our meetings, and the wider community. Each evening starts with 30 minutes of worship, followed by a brief presentation or discussion of new information, and progress updates from participants on the development of their individual or small group projects.  For more information, or Pamela Haines at


Middle School Friends Peace Gathering, December 6 – 8 at Concord Friends Meeting, 6th – 8th graders.  We’ll take some time to talk about Peace. What does peace mean? What do we mean when we say something is peaceful? How many pieces of pizza can we eat? Yes, we there will be pizza, and a talent show
$60 (scholarship available).  For more information, visit or contact Matt Sanderson at, 215-241-7171.



Lunchtime Pastoral Care Webinar: Residential Options in Long Term Care

December 12, 12:15 – 1 p.m. Online. (participants only need a computer and internet access).  Learn about the issues to consider in choosing long term residential care in a retirement community and how Friends meetings can support individuals and families by providing opportunities for clearness in the process of

discernment. Long term care options and the basics of choosing a care facility will be addressed. For more information, see or contact or call 215-241-7268.


Young Friends Christmas Gathering, Dec. 27-30, Abington Monthly Meeting 9th-12th graders.  Join Young Friends for the Christmas gathering! We’ll enjoy some entertaining workshops related to our theme, and engage in the regular activities of our community – plenty of games, meal preparation, worship sharing, and free time with friends! It will be another great gathering with the added bonus of an extra day to really dig into the community! $75, scholarship available.

For more information, contact Hannah Mayer at or call 215-241-7222.  Also see   


January 2014 Events

Young Adult Friends Winter Retreat, January 3-5, Swarthmore Friends Meeting. Join Young Adult Friends (YAF) age 18-35ish from across the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting region and beyond for our annual winter retreat, organized by the PYM YAF Working Group. Expect worship sharing, workshops, games, and fellowship as our time is centered on exploring the query “What does it mean to be a Quaker Adult?” Cost: $35 (financial aid & workgrants available). For more information visit or contact Elizabeth Piersol Schmidt,, 215-241-7075.

Growth Dilemma Project Open Discussion & Support Group, Tuesday, January 7, 6:30 pm, Friends Center, Philadelphia, PA. Join members of the Growth Dilemma Project (part of the PYM Ecojustice Working Group) as we to continue to learn about the intersection of economy and ecology, and consider how we can respond in our individual lives, our meetings, and the wider community. Each evening starts with 30 minutes of worship, followed by a brief presentation or discussion of new information, and progress updates from participants on the development of their individual or small group projects.  For more information, or contact Pamela Haines at

Middle School Friends Equality (and winter) Gathering, January 17-19,

Fallsington Friends Meeting.  We’ll celebrate winter weather with a trip to an ice skating rink on Saturday evening! We’ll use the rest of our time to dive into the subject of equality. What does it mean to be equal? How can we all be equal when we all have different bodies and different abilities, when some of us are Middle Schoolers and some are adults? We’ll also get outside and play some games, aiming for the equal score of fun-to-fun! For more information, or contact Matt Sanderson, Middle School Friend’s Program Coordinator at or call 215-241-7171.


Winter Family Overnight, January 18-19, Camp Onas. Winter Family overnight is an intentional village for the purpose of being a family of Friends. There is multigenerational activity for the whole family, a dinner together, free time to play, bedtime stories, Giant First Day School, hot cocoa, worship, a chance for adults to spend time with other parents, and home in time to have the time on Sunday you need to prepare for the rest of the week! Scholarship and workgrants available. For more information, or Benjamin Camp, 215-241-7228,


Lunchtime Pastoral Care Webinar: Planning a Family Directed Funeral, January 23, 12:15 – 1 p.m. Online. Learn about resources for information on family directed home funeral and green burial options and the role a meeting planning funeral committee can play in helping Friends through life’s greatest transition. Explore practices which connect the community to the departed in ways can provide a path through the mourning process. Webinar technical assistance provided on request. For more information, or George Schaefer,, 215-241-7268.


Worship & Ministry Thread Gathering, January 25
An opportunity for grounding and skills development for Friends who are called to care for the worship, ministry and adult religious education in our meetings. Thread Gatherings offer wisdom, experience sharing, workshops and community around a thread of concern that runs through our meetings. Location: A monthly meeting to be announced. For more information, or Christie Duncan-Tessmer,, 215-241-7008.

Employment Opportunities


Executive Assistant to the General Secretary

Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (PYM) seeks candidates for the position of Executive Assistant to the General Secretary.  The Executive Assistant supports the General Secretary in contributing to the vitality and effectiveness of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting.  For more information, see 


Human Resources Coordinator (half-time)

Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (PYM) seeks candidates for the position of Human Resources Coordinator.  The Human Resources Coordinator oversees and administers the personnel-related business of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting including staff recruitment and retention, training, evaluation, discipline, professional support, compensation, and benefits.  For more information, see

Coordinator – Concord Quarter (part-time)


Concord Quarterly Meeting is seeking a part-time Coordinator (20 hours per week). Concord Quarter consists of 8 monthly meetings in southeast Pennsylvania and northern Delaware and is part of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting.  For more information, see



Licensed Mental Health Providers


The Friends Counseling Service, a program of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, is looking for licensed mental health providers who are Quakers and active in their monthly meetings, to join the service. We need counselors in Upper Bucks County, Salem, Caln and Upper Susquehanna Quarters.


The FCS provides mental health counseling to members and attenders of friends meetings.  The service is provided on a sliding scale for those with limited income.  Interested applicants should have their own office space and malpractice insurance coverage and have been in practice for a minimum of 3 years.  For more information contact Ken Brick at or 215-241-7019.

Links to downloadable attachments:


There are no downloadable attachments this month.

Each issue of PYM News & Events Update is made possible by contributions from people like you.  Please consider making a contribution to the Annual Fund to help nurture Quaker faith and practice.


Make a gift online now at


or call 215-241-7115

Learn more about how your gifts help nurture Quaker faith and practice at

PYM News & Events Update is published monthly for meeting newsletter editors and website managers.  If you are an editor or manager of your meeting’s newsletter and/or website and wish to receive PYM News & Events Update, please contact us at  If you wish to change your email address or unsubscribe, please click below where it says “Update Profile/Email Address.”
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