
Thomas Pandolfi! Concert Pianist!

Dear Zachary,

We are delighted to announce the next program in our series of events to celebrate the 300th Anniversary of London Grove Friends Meeting.  Please join us for a very special evening of music on Saturday, March 29!

This month’s featured event
Thomas Pandolfi, Concert Pianist
Saturday, March 29 at London Grove Meeting

Thomas is a graduate of The Juilliard School and earned both his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees as a scholarship student.  His orchestral appearances often feature the beloved masterpiece concerti by Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov and Liszt and equally brilliant compositions by Paderewski, Rubinstein and Moszkowski. In the “Pops” genre Thomas is considered a leading interpreter of the works of George Gershwin.


His career has already included performances with European and American symphony orchestras including debut recitals in Canada, Germany, China and London as well as return engagements throughout Eastern Europe and concerts both as recitalist and soloist with orchestras across the United States.


The New York Concert Review has characterized Pandolfi’s interpretations as containing “high level pianism and tasteful, diversified musical ideas … crystalline texture and deft coloration … charm and bracing elan.”


Concert Details

Concert will be held at 7:00 pm, Saturday, March 29, 2014

London Grove Friends Meeting
500 West Street Road (corner of Route 926 & Newark Road)
Kennett Square, PA 19348

Refreshments following

Co-sponsored by London Grove Friends Meeting and The Hadley Memorial Fund.

For more information and directions to London Grove meeting, please see our website at www.londongrovefriends.org

About London Grove’s 300th Anniversary Programs

We welcome everyone to join us for very special events to  celebrate the 300th Anniversary of London Grove Friends Meeting.  Each month this year there will be a program to highlight an aspect of London Grove Friends and Quakers – past, present and future – including speakers, tours, musical performances and a special Anniversary Celebration in October 2014.


All events are open to the pubic and we invite everyone to come explore!  We look forward to seeing old friends and making new acquaintances from near and far throughout the year.

We look forward to seeing you on Saturday, March 29!.

Your Friends
London Grove Friends Meeting

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London Grove Friends Meeting | 500 West Street Road | Kennett Square | PA | 19348
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