Revitalizing Our Quarterly Meetings! Click Here!

Members from nine quarterly meetings gathered at Reading Monthly Meeting on June 7, 2014 to affirm the role and importance of our quarters. There was a sense of community and belonging to each other.

We converged upon the truth that regional gatherings can be a place where yearly meeting becomes relevant. The quarterly meeting experience is an inspirational intermediary between monthly meetings and our wider yearly meeting community. When we come together, we collectively fuel our excitement about being Quakers.

We also considered the life in our quarterly meetings as it relates to leadership, youth support, membership, roles and responsibilities, working across our communities, and spiritual formation. As we adjourned, we affirmed the value of fellowship, worship, and sharing in love towards the development of new ideas and the seasoning of others.

It is time that we further explore concrete ways to integrate the structure, energy, and community between monthly meetings, quarterly meetings, and the yearly meeting.

Click here for a printable version of the above summary minute.

Click here for the detailed notes from the session.


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