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In This Issue
An Easter Story for Friends

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Dear Zachary,

It’s been a long, cold winter here in Philadelphia.  Just outside our office, snow is still falling.  But nevertheless, every day we see a new sign of spring.  Just like the bulbs that that have worked quietly all winter to break out into bloom now that spring is in the air, we are seeing a flowering of  ideas, projects, and ministries here at FGC.

Earlier this month, 65 Friends from across the branches of Quakerism gathered at Pendle Hill to talk about a common call: the need for spiritual deepening and religious education in our meetings and across the Religious Society of Friends.  More about the consultation below and at our website.

QuakerSpeak, a web video series by Quaker artist Jon Watts in collaboration with Friends Journal, launched recently.  New videos exploring the Quaker experience are posted every Thursday.

The New Meetings Project has a new website, providing a comprehensive resource for those looking to start a meeting or worship group in their area.

Spring also marks the opening of registration for the FGC Gathering of Friends. Registration opens on Wednesday; browse more than 50 workshops now to decide which options you’ll sign up for.

We hope you will take advantage of some of the programs and resources FGC offers to meetings.  Thank you for reading, and we wish you a happy spring!

A Call Deeper – News from the FGC Consultation on Spiritual Deepening

Spiritual DeepeningIn early March 2014, FGC brought together 65 Friends “to help make the full depth, joy, and fire of Quaker faith and practice highly available, teachable, and experiential for all those who are or will become part of our faith communities.”

This special consultation was organized by FGC in response to what many Friends see as a pivotal time in the Religious Society of Friends.  Its goal was to discover seeds of ministry in the areas of religious education, spiritual deepening, and spiritual formation in order to move toward the vision expressed above.

The group, made up of Friends from across the US, Canada and from Great Britain, came from 23 Yearly Meetings and a host of Quaker organizations.  Read more at our website >>

Announcing… QuakerSpeak: Interviews with Modern Friends

QuakerSpeak logo

Check out the first three QuakerSpeak YouTube videos!

QuakerSpeak is a web video series aimed at communicating Quaker experience to religious seekers and Friends meetings.  QuakerSpeak is a  project of Friends Journal in collaboration with Friends General Conference, Quaker Voluntary Service, and Quaker artist Jon Watts. 

Gathering Registration Opens April 2!  Browse Workshops Online. 
Gathering logo

The FGC Gathering draws Friends from across the U.S. and Canada.  The 2014 Gathering is on the Cal U campus, 35 miles south of Pittsburgh, PA, June 29-July 5.

Workshops are the heart of the Gathering experience for most Friends.  Each workshop meets every morning throughout the Gathering.  A typical workshop has 15-20 registrants.  Workshop topics range widely: there are workshops on experiential spirituality, music, movement, peace and justice issues, and more.  Check out the workshop options now!  Registration opens April 2.

An Invitation from the New Meetings Project…

Check out the New Meetings Project’s new website and read a mini-interview with Coordinator Brent Bill.

What is the New Meetings Project?  The NMP exists to help nurture the seeding and development of new Quaker meetings and worship groups.  We do that via…Read more at >> 

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