Old Kennett Committee Meeting!

WHAT: Old Kennett Committee Meeting

WHEN: Sunday April 6th, 2014 at 1:00pm

WHERE: Old Kennett Meetinghouse

 Agenda for Discussion:

–          Review account balances for Meetinghouse and Cemetery Accounts

–          Discuss Cemetery lot pricing increase

o   Review current lot prices and compare, no immediate decision required

–          Review current restoration project activity

–          Discuss Future restoration plans

–          Start plans to map out cemetery plots

–          Plan Spring Clean-up

–          Discuss Hedgerow plan (Dick Lighty)

–          London Grove 300th Anniversary

o   JULY 19 & 20 Western Quarter Meeting House Visits

Saturday, July 19 10:00 am – 4:00 pm

Sunday, July 20 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm

–          Volunteers Needed:

o   Spring Clean-up

o   Hedgerow planting

o   Develop plot owner online database

o   Help with General Recordkeeping

o   London Grove 300th Anniversary

Current Committee Members from Kennett Meeting:

Lars Farmer – Clerk

Elliot Dalton

Chuck Shoemaker

Bob DeGazelle

MaryEtta Clendendin

Anne Humes

Josh Grove

Anne Clark

Richard Lighty

David Rhoads

Beppy McKinstry

Also Invited:

Interested Kendal Residents

Leaders of Boy Scout Troop 24


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