Business Meeting Information

We make our decisions together. This means all Friends are invited to participate in the business of the Quarterly Meeting (who count themselves a member or attender of a Monthly Meeting, Worship Group or other local Quaker community associated through Western Quarterly Meeting). We conduct our business through meetings of the Support Committee. Support Committee meetings usually occur after lunch during our quarterly sessions, and they may occur other times during the year depending on the amount of business. The next meeting of the Support Committee and where it will be held will be announced at the end of the minutes of the previous meeting (links below). Below are minutes and materials from previous sessions.

*Note that some materials from previous business sessions are not available via the website (especially in earlier sets of minutes). For these materials please contact us at or contact the Friends Historical Library at Swarthmore College.

09 June 2024 – Agenda, Minutes 

21 April, 2024 – Agenda, Minutes

10 March, 2024 – Support Committe – Agenda and Documents, Minutes 

21 January, 2024 Agenda, Treasurer’s Report, Pennsgrove Report, Minutes 

15 October 2023 Agenda, Auditor’s Report, Treasurer’s Report, West Grove re: Colora, Minutes 

16 July 2023 Agenda, Minutes

11 June 2023 Support Committee – Agenda, Minutes

16 April 2023 Agenda, Minutes, Attachments 

19 March 2023 Agenda, Minutes

15 January 2023 Agenda, Notice

11 December 2022 Agenda, Minutes

16 October 2022 Agenda, Minutes 

18 September 2022 Agenda, Minutes 

17 July 2022 Agenda, Minutes, Parkersville Report, Friends Home Report

12 June 2022 Support Committee Agenda, Minutes

24 April 2022 Agenda, Minutes, WQM State of the Meeting DRAFT

13 March 2022 Support Committee Agenda, Minutes, WQ State of the Meeting, Hockessin, London Grove, Newark

16 January 2022  Agenda, Minutes, Reports

13 December 2021 Agenda, Minutes 

17 October 2021 Agenda, Minutes, Historic Properties Report

12 September 2021 Agenda, Minutes, Historic Properties Report

18 July 2021 Agenda, Friends Home Report, Draft Host Cycle, Minutes,

Middle East Collaborative Resource List

13 June 2021 Agenda Minutes

18 April 2021 Agenda

14 March 2021  Agenda   

17 January 2021  Agenda, Coordinator Report, Reports, Minutes 

18 October 2020 Agenda, London Britain Burial Grounds Revisions,  Minute Supporting the Prevention of Nuclear War,  DRAFT minutes

13 September 2020 Agenda  Draft Minutes

19 July 2020 DRAFT minutes, Agenda, Scavenger Hunt Program, Braver Angels Program-note date, Friends Home Annual Report, Coordinator Report

28 June 2020 Minutes (Draft)

24 May 2020 Agenda, Minutes (Draft)

26 April, 2020 Introduction to Zoom Meeting for Business, Agenda, Minutes (Draft), Pennsgrove, Treasurer’s Report , Coordinator Report

8 March, 2020 Draft Agenda, DRAFT Minutes

19 January, 2020 APPROVED Minutes, Agenda, Bucks Quarter Minute,

8 December, 2019 APPROVED minutesAgenda

19 October, 2019 Agenda, Report, Minutes (draft)

1 September, 2019 Minutes

21 July, 2019 Minutes (draft)

21 July, 2019; Agenda, Friends Home Annual Report (2018)

9 June, 2019; Minutes (draft)

Quarterly Meeting, 28 April, 2019; Agenda, Minutes (draft)

10 March, 2019; Agenda, Minutes

Quarterly Meeting, 20 January, 2019; Agenda, Minutes

Quarterly Meeting, 21 October, 2018; Minutes

16 September, 2018; Sept 2018 Support Committee Minutes

Quarterly Meeting, 15 July, 2018; Minutes

20 May 2018; Minutes

Quarterly Meeting, 15 April, 2018; Agenda, Minutes

18 March, 2018; Agenda, Minutes

Quarterly Meeting, 21 January, 2018; Agenda,

Quarterly Meeting, 15 October, 2017; Agenda,

Quarterly Meeting, 16 July, 2017: July 2017 Minutes 

21 May, 2017: Agenda, with proposed Minutes of Appreciation; May Minutes

Quarterly Meeting, 23 April 2017: Agenda; 23 April WQM Minutes (approved)London Britain Annual Report; Minutes of Appreciation & Workshop proposal

19 March, 2017: Agenda;  March 19 Minutes,  WQM Bylaws – with proposed changes

Quarterly Meeting, 15 January 2017: Agenda;  January Minutes (final)

Quarterly Meeting, 15 October 2016: Agenda; October QM Minutes

18 September 2016: Agenda; Sept 18 Minutes

Quarterly Meeting, 17 July 2016: Agenda, FY2016-17 Budget Proposal (final draft), July QM Minutes

22 May 2016: Agenda;  FY2016-17 Budget Proposal – first draft, May 22 Minutes

Quarterly Meeting, 17 April 2016: Agenda; April 17 Minutes

21 Feburary 2016: Agenda; Feb 21 Minutes

Quarterly Meeting, 17 January 2016: Agenda; Jan 17 Minutes

15 November 2015: Agenda; Nov 15 Minutes

Quarterly Meeting, 18 October 2015:  Agenda; Finance Reports: Income & Expense Report,  Sept 2015 Balance sheet; Oct 18 Minutes

13 September 2015: Agenda (click here); WQM Committee list (needs updating-click here); Draft Minutes (click here)

Quarterly Meeting, 19 July 2015: Agenda & appendix (click here); Minutes (click here); FY2016 Budget Proposal (click here)

14 June 2015: Agenda (click here)

Quarterly Meeting, 19 April 2015: Agenda (click here); Minutes (click here)

22 March 2015: Agenda (click here); Minutes (click here); Attached Materials (click here)

15 February 2015: Agenda (click here); Minutes (click here)

Quarterly Meeting, 17 January 2015: Agenda (click here); Minutes (click here)

7 December 2014: Agenda (click here); Minutes (click here)

Quarterly Meeting, 19 October 2014: Minutes (click here) Agenda (click here); (Supporting Materials linked within Agenda)

28 September 2014: Minutes (click here) Agenda (click here); Attached Materials (click here)

24 August 2014: Minutes (click here); Attached Materials (click here)

Quarterly Meeting, 15 July 2014: Minutes (click here); Attached Materials (click here)

Quarterly Meeting, 27 April 2014: Minutes (click here); Attached Materials (click here)

Quarterly Meeting, 19 January 2014: Minutes (click here); Attached Materials (click here)

13 November 2013: Minutes (click here); Attached Materials (click here)

3 September 2013: Minutes (click here); Attached Materials (click here)

9 May 2013: Minutes

12 February 2013: Minutes

13 November 2012: Minutes